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Positioning block reinsure

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Can someone direct me where to adjust the positioning setting of block reinsure.


It was automatically positioned on header of pages and top of pages and as you can see on the attachments it is positioned differently on the front page and on the product pages.


On the front page it expands all the way to the sides, below the bottom navigation and the contact us & face book in the center


On the product pages it shows correct ( no expansion ) , on top of the bottom navigation but the contact us / fasebook on the left


some help will be appreciated as I already spend a lot of time in vain



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Hi jhnstcks


I am not sure what I did but it came right. The only thing I did was delete the Google adsense block code and entered a new one.


I noticed another funny thing and wonder if you could help. My Google adsense code works in English and not in the second language Greek.


Reading the code it comes like this. It was paste OK, saved and when viewed again it changed to this:


<script type="text/javascript"><!--

google_ad_client = "ca-pub-0350311528232614";

/* 468x60, created 2/4/11 */

google_ad_slot = "8876451074";

google_ad_width = 468;

google_ad_height = 60;



<script type="text/javascript"



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On my screen your whole site is wrongly aligned as you can see on my screen capture.


Make sure you have force compile turned on and cache turned off in preferences>performance otherwise changes you make to tpl files and other template module files won't be displayed correctly.


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Hi jhnstcks


Funny you say that. You are the second one you mentioned this but on my screen it shows OK as you can see from the attachments.


Force compile I do often. I tried it on Chrome, Mozila and Internet explorer and on all 3 it shows OK. The only thing I see is on the bottom the dots are on the edge.


I view it on a full screen 19" monitor and I noticed when I put the bookmarks on the left then the whole site moves to the left above my baground. So my problem might be the fixed baground I have. See capture2 attacment.


I would like your opinion on that and I will do some more tests too.


I also have a problem with Google adsense as I mentioned on my ticket above.




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Hi jhnstcks

I removed the fixed baground and now it is back to original white. How can I change my baground to something similar I had? the whole body white and the sides with a color? Is it on global.css that I can do the changes? Some advise will be appreciated.

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