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[SOLVED] Theme images not shown in home page but correct in other pages

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I'm having a problem with a PrestaShop installation that is driving me mad. I upgraded the store from version 1.3 to the latest stable and, though the process was hard, everything is working as expected except for some strange error that prevents all the theme's images from showing.


I'm using the default theme and changed nothing in the theme. The only changes I've made so far were making the Portuguese translation for PrestaShop.


If you look at http://www.g7electronica.net you'll see that all the images that are used by the default theme are not present but if you click any product you'll get the images correctly.


Looking at the requests, when in the home page all images are requested as http://themes/prestashop and when looking at a product the image URL has the base url in the request.


I've disabled cache and I'm using Smarty 3. I've tried to force smarty to recompile, enabled/disabled cache, but I can't seem to get this to work or find what is wrong.


Any suggestions?




Sérgio Lopes

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Yay! That solved it :)


I actually don't know if it was anything related to the theme of if the fact that the files changed made some difference but the theme works fine now :D


Also, it seems to load a bit faster than before.


Thank you for the help.




Sérgio Lopes

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