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[SOLVED] Increase Truncate in Short Description

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Hello. I'm using the Prestashop_new theme and want to increase the short description but cannot locate the truncate that I need to change. When I entered my short description in the BO it threw an error I had exceeded the allotted 400 character. I looked in products_list.tpl and the truncate number there is 220. Where do I find the truncate to adjust? I've looked in what I thought was the right file(s) but no luck.


I thought I had seen a post that addressed this issue but can't seem to locate that either.



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Hello. I'm using the Prestashop_new theme and want to increase the short description but cannot locate the truncate that I need to change. When I entered my short description in the BO it threw an error I had exceeded the allotted 400 character. I looked in products_list.tpl and the truncate number there is 220. Where do I find the truncate to adjust? I've looked in what I thought was the right file(s) but no luck. I thought I had seen a post that addressed this issue but can't seem to locate that either. Thanks


to set up max size of the Short description in BO:


Preferences -> Products -> Short description max size


Then you must change short description's truncate size in tpl files and change them:




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  • 3 months later...

Just another question.

I've got in my Presta product link in category-list like this one:

Naklejka dekoracyjna wzór 1 | Naklejki dekoracyjne lub szablony


Product link (product name) code is:


<h5><a href="{$product.link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$product.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$product.name|truncate:20:'...'|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a></h5>


This, what I try to do is showing name of the product - but only name text before "|"

How can I solve, cut this name?

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  • 8 months later...


to set up max size of the Short description in BO:


Preferences -> Products -> Short description max size


Then you must change short description's truncate size in tpl files and change them:






Could you tell me where to find product-list.tpl and product.tpl? ty

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 4 years later...

I'm using v1.6.1.17 and regardless of what value I enter into the BO, Preferences > Products > Max size of short description, it only displays up to 400 on my product pages.

I've adjusted in BO as per image and both files to reflect new value (950). Nothing changes.



I even went into PHPmYAdmin and adjusted ps_product > Columns > reference to reflect the same value of 950.

Still product page only displays max 400 characters.

I've turned off Cache, Force compilation and Clear Cache.. Also, I've cleared my browser cache and even accessed via different machine/browser; no prevail.

Any suggestions on how to adjust my short description character count to 950?


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