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Spaces trimmed between BO and FO


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Our product reference numbers have spaces in them. For all sorts of historical reasons, I cannot change this, but it is giving me problems


For example, if I use the product (or supplier) reference of


4401/A2 /M10 you can see it has 2 spaces between the A2 and the /M10


This is required for factory reasons


Now when I add this code in to the back office, it keeps the two spaces




However, in front office, one of the spaces has been trimmed




This trimmed version is also appearing on our invoices which is then messing up our barcodes on the invoice


Can anyone elnighten me as to


1) why this may be happening

and more importantly

2) if i can prevent it happening



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I had problems upgrading to the latest release, the auto upgrade did not work. I can test that premise on another install though.

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I apologize, I didn't read you original post correctly. No matter how many spaces I add to the back office ref. it trims down to one.


I am looking into the difference between the back office handling and the front end. but hopefully someone will know that and tell the both of us. :)

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