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[SOLVED] Disable product from cart/inventory when Out of Stock

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Hi there,


I would like when a product goes out of stock for it to be taken away from view and out of the cart.






I am kicking off the store opening by having around 30 products that I only have 1 copy of.


I have a user-base already, and I am afraid that people will get confused and frustrated if they take build a cart, then try order something after it's sold out.


What happens:


1. If something becomes unavailable, it is still listed in featured products but not allowed to be added to cart.


*I would like it deleted from the featured products automatically so that it will never be seen again except in my back office.*


2. If someone takes their time in building a cart then tries to order with a now out-of-stock product in their cart, the item remains in their cart. The "AVAILABILITY" light switches from green to red without any error warnings. They cannot check out until it's deleted from the cart.


*I would like the unavailable item automatically deleted from their cart with a message stating "Warning: XXX is no longer available. Proceed with checkout?"*




Site is http://www.blood-music.com/store



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I fixed my #1 issue in the homefeatured.tpl with a productquantity {if} conditional




#2 -- At worst, I'd like to display an error message if shopping cart can not complete because an item is out of stock.


I've located the area of code at the top of shopping-cart.tpl


If anyone can help write something clean, that would be nice :)

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