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States from other Countries

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Hey guys, I'm new in PrestaShop and I am having a problem with the Shipping section.


When a customer is going to checkout and select the Country, the state drop-down menu disappears when selecting any other Country that is not USA.

So, I went to Shipping > States and saw that just have all USA states. I would like to know if there is any way to upload all the states from any country instead of creating 1 by 1.


Also, Is there any possibility to create multiple products by doing a table?

I mean, my web site contains a lot products and I need to create a bunch of products more. So I need a solution to just upload multiple products at once.


If you have any doubts just PM me. :D

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in order to make states appear, you also need to set the country to contains satte. This is aproperty of each country. then you need add state for the country. Unfortunately, there is not place you can download all sate for all country. But if you Google, you may find states for some cotunries that you want.


For bulk adding products, you can use import function of PrestaShop. It should be under "Tools tab" - CSV Import


Also, you can duplication function of PrestaShop if your products are similar. At catalog product list page, you can see a icon for duplicate/copy product to a new product.

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