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Please help me with affiliate program, I find it impossible!

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I am having a hard time setting up the affiliate program that is supposed to be in the prestashop package.


Can someone explain this in "normal" english;




  • The field `http_referer` is the website from which your customers arrive.
    For example, visitors coming from Google will have a `http_referer` like this one: "http://www.google.com/search?q=prestashop".
    If the visitor arrives directly (by typing the URL of your shop or by using their bookmarks, for example), `http_referer` will be empty.
    So if you want all the visitors coming from google, you can type "%google%" in this field, or "%google.fr%" if you want the visitors coming from Google France only.
  • The field `request_uri` is the URL from which the customers come to your website.
    For example, if the visitor accesses a product page, the URL will be "http://www.geekynerdshirts.com/music-ipods/1-ipod-nano.html".
    This is interesting because you can add some tags or tokens in the links pointing to your website. For example, you can post a link "http://www.geekynerdshirts.com/index.php?prestashop" in the forum and get statistics by entering "%prestashop" in the field `request_uri`. You will get all the visitors coming from the forum. This method is more reliable than the `http_referer` one, but there is a danger: if a search engine read a page with your link, then it will be displayed in its results and you will have not only the forum visitors, but also the ones from the search engine.
  • The fields `include` indicate what has to be included in the URL.
  • The fields `exclude` indicate what has to be excluded from the URL.
  • When using the simple mode, you can use some generic characters which can replace any characters:
    • "_" will replace one character. If you want to use the real "_", you should type "\\_".
    • "%" will replace any number of characters. If you want to use the real "%", you should type "\\%".

    [*]The simple mode uses the MySQL "LIKE", but for a higher potency you can use MySQL regular expressions. Take a look at the document for more details...


What does;

HTTP Referrer mean? What should I put there, both in the include and exclude?

And also in Request Uri.

Let´s say, I would like to track every visitor and sale from www.abcdef.com what should I do. My website is www.geekynerdshirts.com and the store is also located in the / folder, which means that www.geekynerdshirts.com is the shop.

Thanks for helping me out!

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  • 1 year later...

Please guys! I need this.




me too, if tried a million settings, but a cant seem to get it to work

Did you guys ever get this working? I'm struggling - settings all seem to be right according to the instructions, but it's not working!

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  • 4 weeks later...


I had a look at your module but it is not quiet what I am after. I have post a job offer here and you may want to have a look: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/282139-job-offer-affiliate-module/

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