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Google conversion tracking

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Can anybody tell how to manually add the Google conversion tracking to my Prestashop ?


Im using a 1.2.5 version of Prestashop.


The first part of the googl tracking code needs to be inserted into all of the pages except from the page after you have made a purchase.



<!-- Google Code for Alle sider 540 dages cookie Remarketing List -->

<script type="text/javascript">

/* <![CDATA[ */

var google_conversion_id = xxxxxx;

var google_conversion_language = "en";

var google_conversion_format = "3";

var google_conversion_color = "ffffff";

var google_conversion_label = "LoNmCOCEywIQiM204wM";

var google_conversion_value = 0;

/* ]]> */


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion.js">



<div style="display:inline;">

<img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src="http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/1013786248/?label=LoNmCOCEywIQiM204wM&guid=ON&script=0"/>




And this needs to goto the the receipt page.


<!-- Google Code for Kvitering - 540 dages cookie Remarketing List -->

<script type="text/javascript">

/* <![CDATA[ */

var google_conversion_id = xxxx;

var google_conversion_language = "en";

var google_conversion_format = "3";

var google_conversion_color = "ffffff";

var google_conversion_label = "jLNzCNiFywIQiM204wM";

var google_conversion_value = 0;

/* ]]> */


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion.js">



<div style="display:inline;">

<img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src="http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/1013786248/?label=jLNzCNiFywIQiM204wM&guid=ON&script=0"/>



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I will give it a try.


But im running an old and Im not sure if this method is still the way to do it.


The first step of tracking e-commerce transactions is to enable e-commerce reporting for your website's profile.


To enable e-Commerce reporting, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Click Edit next to the profile you'd like to enable
  3. On the Profile Settings page, click edit next to Main Website Profile Information
  4. Change the e-Commerce Website radio button from No to Yes

To set up your goals, enter Goal Information:


  1. Return to Your Account main page
  2. Find the profile for which you will be creating goals, then click Edit
  3. Select one of the 4 goal slots available for that profile, then click Edit
  4. Enter the Goal URL. Reaching this page marks a successful conversion
  5. Enter the Goal name as it should appear in your Google Analytics account
  6. Turn the Goal on

Then, define a funnel by following these steps:


  1. Enter the URL of the first page of your conversion funnel. This page should be a page that is common to all users working their way towards your Goal.
  2. Enter a Name for this step.
  3. If this step is a Required step in the conversion process, mark the checkbox to the right of the step.
  4. Continue entering goal steps until your funnel has been completely defined. You may enter up to 10 steps, or as few as a single step.

Finally, configure Additional settings by following the steps below:

  1. If the URLs entered above are Case sensitive, mark the checkbox.
  2. Select the appropriate goal Match Type. (Learn more about Match Types and how to choose the appropriate goal Match Type for your goal.)
  3. Enter a Goal value. This is the value used in Google Analytics' ROI calculations.
  4. Click Save Changes to create this Goal and funnel, or Cancel to exit without saving.

Demonstration: The order process


  1. After having enabled your e-commerce reports and selected the respective profile enter 'order-confirmation.php' as the targeted page URL
  2. Name this goal (for example 'Order process')
  3. Activate the goal
  4. Add 'product.php' as the first page of your conversion funnel
  5. Give it a name (for example, 'Product page')
  6. Do not mark 'required' checkbox because the customer could be visiting directly from an 'adding to cart' button such as in the homefeatured block on the homepage
  7. Continue by entering the following URLs as goal steps:
    • order/step0.html (required)
    • authentication.php (required)
    • order/step1.html (required)
    • order/step2.html (required)
    • order/step3.html (required)

  • Check the 'Case sensitive' option
  • Save this new goal

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