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Maximum Order quantity - 500 Server Error

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It seems the maximum order quantity my website (using Prestashop/MutalisedServer) can handle is 50 references per order. Some users on my website are trying to order 75, 100, even 150 references.. but they always get a 500 Server Error and can not go through the check out process. In all these cases, the order.php scripts hits the CPU execution time limit of the server, set to 60 seconds. If we set the time limit to 120 seconds, the application will load for a very long time before the pages can be diplayed and it will not really solve the problem.

My questions :

1. Would a dedicated server solve this kind of problem ?
2. How can we optimize the overall performance of the scripts to make sure 100/150 references can be ordered ?
3. Is there anything we can do to optimize the MySQL queries ?
4. What can we do with order.php scripts to solve the problem ?

Thank you very much for your help,
Prestashop is a great solution !


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I have contacted the host and they told me about the CPU execution limit set to 60 seconds. They told me a longer time limit would be a problem with a very long time to display the pages. The host also told me to opmize overall performance of the site scripts and MYSQL queries...
I am not sure about the dedicated server being the solution, as it might still be very slow with 150 references in the cart... Would you have any other remarks or information to help me out ?

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