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HTML showing in category title tag

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Hi guys,


I changed something in my prestashop so I can work with HTML in the category descriptions. Normaly when you moved with your mouse over the category title, the category discription was showing in text. No that I canged something, the category HTML is showing. See attachment.


What can I do to change the category title tag? So that it isnt showing the category description but the category name or something?


Thank you in advace!


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This is most likely caused by a missing tag, However try to undo your changes first, category alt text is under categery edit just change the info in the description text box.


The code that is showing seems to have a comment out quote <!--- ---> try removing these and see what happens.

This type of quote is usually used to hide text or other info from showing in a browser.

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This is most likely caused by a missing tag, However try to undo your changes first, category alt text is under categery edit just change the info in the description text box.


The code that is showing seems to have a comment out quote <!--- ---> try removing these and see what happens.

This type of quote is usually used to hide text or other info from showing in a browser.


Thank you for your reply. I know how i can edit the alt text by editing the category discription but how can I change the alt text in the html or php script? I think anywhere the script is saying: category alt = category description. where can i change that to category name or something?

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Anywere in the script, I think there is a code which is saying that de alt text of the category names in the category block should be the category discription.. I changed my script so that i can use html in my category description. Now the alt text of the category isnt the category description in words, but you can see the HTML code i used in the category description..


So I hope that it is possible to change the script so that the category alt text isnt the category discription, but something else. Maybe the category name. So when i move my mouse over the category title in the category block, that the alt text shows the category name and not the discription..


I hope you can understand me now..

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you can find this script in modules/blockcategories/category-tree-branch.tpl


<a href="{$node.link}" {if isset($currentCategoryId) && ($node.id == $currentCategoryId)}class="selected"{/if} title="{$node.desc|escape:html:'UTF-8'}">{$node.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}</a>


change {$node.desc|escape:html:'UTF-8'} to whatever you want


you can't show html code in title attribute, just plain text

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you can find this script in modules/blockcategories/category-tree-branch.tpl


<a href="{$node.link}" {if isset($currentCategoryId) && ($node.id == $currentCategoryId)}class="selected"{/if} title="{$node.desc|escape:html:'UTF-8'}">{$node.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}</a>


change {$node.desc|escape:html:'UTF-8'} to whatever you want


you can't show html code in title attribute, just plain text


Thanks for you reaction. What can i fill in so that the alt text is the category name?

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