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Blank page on typing an invalid url

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Hi. I have posted my PS problem before on the forum but it proved of no luck to me.

Actually , my prestashop is displaying a blank page whenever one types an invalid url. Earlier it used to redirect to an error page inside prestashop which said that the url is invalid. But now it is displaying a simple white page. I tried debug module but found no errors. Neither is 'page not found' module registering any invalid URLs. If anyone experienced the same or knows the probable cause of the issue and the fix, please let me know. I shall be thankful to you.


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I am not sure what debug module you are using.


A page not found calls "404.php" which calls "config/config.inc.php" which (usually) calls "controllers/PageNotFoundController.php". As a programmer you could plant debugging commands (something like "echo 'this is line 5';" along the track.


You might start with switching the debugging in "config/config.inc.php" on:

@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');

define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', true);


Please provide some information: what PS version are you using and did you change anything from the code?

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Sometimes those problems are related to friendly url's. If you use those it might help to (re)generate the .htaccess.


Otherwise you might make the changes I suggested in config.inc.php. Keep a copy of the original so that you can restore it if you make an error or are finished experimenting.

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