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Please, Is possible to have "One page checkout" WITH shopping cart button activated TOO ?

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I have activated the "one page checkout" option to get all the checkout much better in just one page, BUT the problem I find is that this disables the "shopping cart" button that appears in the cart block, and now ONLY shows the checkout button.


Please is there some possibel way to have the "One page checkout" activated and keep it WITH shopping cart button activated TOO ?


I want to have both things, as I want to have the cart summary page AND when ready to pay, the client would go the checkout page, but I do not want to have BOTH cart summary AND checkout in the same page.


I want to have TWO pages, one that shows the cart summary, shipping estimator, and Have also another different page for "one page checkout" that would also include the cart summary.



Please, Is there any free or paid module that could do this ?


I have bought a paid "one page checkout" module but it works in the same way as the one from prestashop disabling the cart button and the cart summary page.


Please could there be some way to have BOTH ?


Thanks very much for your help


Kindest Regards

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edit the blockcart.tpl in modules/blocks/blockcart and delete from this line


{if $order_process == 'order'}<a href="{$link->getPageLink("$order_process.php", true)}" class="button_small" title="{l s='Cart' mod='blockcart'}">{l s='Cart' mod='blockcart'}</a>{/if}


the if statment

{if $order_process == 'order'}{/if}

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edit the blockcart.tpl in modules/blocks/blockcart and delete from this line


{if $order_process == 'order'}<a href="{$link->getPageLink("$order_process.php", true)}" class="button_small" title="{l s='Cart' mod='blockcart'}">{l s='Cart' mod='blockcart'}</a>{/if}


the if statment

{if $order_process == 'order'}{/if}


That just adds the "cart" button, but clicking that takes you to the opc page (order-opc.php).


I think the question is if it's possible to have a cart only page, and then a link to a opc page.




Thanks :)

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  • 1 year later...

I am sorry to digg up this old thread but i do have the same issue.


How can we split "one page checkout" and "shopping cart" into two sepperate pages?


So the order process becomes like this:

product > shopping cart > checkout


rather then this:

product > shopping cart & checkout


I have searched for a solution on and off the forum and can't find anything. Help would be greatly appreciated!

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  • 2 years later...

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