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Automated task in prestashop like searchcron.php script


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I have to launch automated tasks from an external application executing URL's that running php scripts against the prestashop backoffice like prestashop "searchcron.php" wich is offered to perform the rebuild indexing function.


I want to know if anyone has managed to launch externally scripts with some of the tasks below or it has created some specific script for it to be executed in the cron and could tell me:


1 .- Prestashop indexing products (PS back office: Preferences> Search). -- Only achieve this one!

2 .- The Prestashop update your sitemap (PS back office: Modules> Referencing SEO).

3 .- The generation of the XML feed file Prestashop of products (PS back office: Modules> Advertising and marketing).

4 .- Prestashop thumbnail regeneration (PS back office: Preferences> Images> Regenerate thumbnails).





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I'm trying to use the function _regeneratethmbnails in a PHP script that I created and I get the following output and errors whe I put execute the call to the URL http://www.XXXXX.com/XXXXX/thumbnailscron.php?type=all&erase=1&token=XXXXXXXX.


Warning: key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /usr/home/XXXXXX.com/web/classes/AdminTab.php on line 224



Warning: key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /usr/home/XXXXXX.com/web/classes/AdminTab.php on line 224

get to the function: all

Fatal error: Call to undefined function imageResize() in /usr/home/XXXXXXX.com/web/XXXXX/tabs/AdminImages.php on line 317



Here is the code of thumbnailscron.php:


<? php


include (dirname (__FILE__ ).'/../ config / config.inc.php ');

include (dirname (__FILE__). '/ tabs / AdminImages.php');


if (substr (_COOKIE_KEY_, 34, 8)! = Tools:: getValue ('token'))



ini_set ('max_execution_time', 7200);


$ obj = new AdminImage ();


if ($ obj-> regenerarminiaturas (Tools:: getValue ('type'), Tools:: getValue ('erase')))

echo "Update successful";


echo "Update failed";




I've created the function regenerarminiaturas located in AdminImages.php and I use it to call _regenerateThumbnails because this is a private function.


regenerarminiaturas public function ($ type, $ erase) {


echo "get to the function: $ type";

$ this-> _regenerateThumbnails ($ type, $ erase);

echo "Exit the";


return true;



Can anybody help me?



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