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[SOLVED] Zipcode Error when trying to use the "Refresh" button on the Shipping Estimator

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I have configured 2 carriers, and configured right the countries and states, and the shipping prices by weight.


When going to the cart summary, it appears the shipping estimator and you can choose the country and the state to calculate the shipping rate and it appears right, and show you the shiping rates of both carriers that have been defined for that zone.


The Problem comes WHEN you want to CHOOSE between the two carriers, because after choosing one and you click on the refresh button, it appears the following error messsage


Please use a valid zip/postal code depending on your country selection


This is not true, because I have put the zip code correctly, and configured it too in the shipping, and I know that the zip code is RIGHT and VALID.



Also Dave L, told me to edit my active countries and set the 'need zip code' to 'No' and so the shipping estimator should work without the error showing up when I refresh.


Well I have tried ALSO to do this and desactivate the zip code from countries, and it KEEPS giving me the same error !!!!


How is possible that it keeps telling me that the zip code is invalid when I have configured it that IS NOT NEEDED ?




Also I have forced to compile and cleaned the smarty cache, and also have tested the shipping estimator in different browsers and always get the same error.


My website if you want to try is www.bastetnatura.com/psstore2


Thanks very much for your help


Kindest regards

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Hello Mike, Thanks very much for answering.


Yes, You are right, I have configured MY OWN default country with the right zip code format in the back office and now IT WORKS !! I had it before disabled trying that the shipping estimator do not ask for it.


Now I can use the refresh button and it does not show the error as before.


Thanks very much for your help.


Although I still do not know why is absolutely needed to have the ZIP code for the shipping estimator and why this is not optional.

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