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Google Checkout API Callback Error

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Having an issue with the Google Checkout talking back to my Prestashop... Everything looks to be setup correctly but I keep getting errors.


The error I receive is:


"We encountered an error trying to access your server, the error we got is Send failed with code: 401. Response body was: Failed to Get Basic Authentication Headers"



And the email I get has this error:


"We've made several unsuccessful attempts to send order notifications to your notification callback URL. As a result, you aren't receiving order status, risk, or other notifications."


Has anyone else encountered this issue?


Thank you!

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I haven't but since no one has answered I took a look and the only thing (without trying it) is this verbage in the google checkout module:


Log in to Google Checkout then go to Settings > Integration. The API callback URL is:



This because it sounds like the call back url is where the problem lies.

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do you know if you are running php fast cgi?


Look inside (via ftp) your gcheckout module, see the bug report and .htaccess change needed.


Obviously I'm going to keep guess until someone resolves this. :)


Here is a copy:

There is problem with server using apache with php under CGI MODE.
The authentification isn't created in CGI MOD and this module won't work.
To fix it, the .htaccess will create this missing variable
Here is the .htaccess detailed :
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]

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I checked out the bug pages and made the changes...


Added .htaccess to gcheckout folder in modules and modified googleresponse.php in the gcheckout library folder...


We'll see if this works!


I'll post back here if the issue is not resolved.


Thanks for your suggestions!

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I'm curious if you in fact resolved your problem, and if so if you would be so kind as to mark the title as [solved], this really helps out the next member.


p.s. the changes to .htaccess should be made to your root .htaccess, not to the gcheckout folder.

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Well for the first time orders are showing up on the orders page! Right after I made the changes one processed and overnight it looks like a few older orders came through. As if Google Checkout was still trying to callback the store with older orders.


As more orders come in I'll keep an eye on it and keep you updated. Looks to be resolved!


Thank you for your help!!

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  • 7 months later...

Hi I have this problem since i wanted to use google checkout, unfortunately the issue remains. I read this post and made a info.php that says Server API: Apache 2.0 Handler. Does it mean that i need to change it to php fast cgi, because with the htaccessBugInformation.php info, nothing happens. Can you give me advise how i can start using google checkout, it's good for me and my customers.

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