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This country requires a state selection.

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I have a problem with customer registrations, I'm using and prestashop_new theme.


If a customer adds items to the cart and goes via the checkout process and registers an account everything is fine, however, if a customer just creates an account without going through the checkout and the country requires a state, like USA, the field for state does not show, but gives an error that "This country requires a state selection." also if a country does not require a zip code it still shows as a required field but only on new registrations not made via the checkout process.


Can any of you Presta Gurus help me?



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Hi Mike,

I just tried through another pc and still get the error, both browsers are IE8? Wonder if thats the problem, gonna try in firefox to see if if it still happens.



edit: Yes, its a problem in IE8, FF works ok, would you be so kind as to try and confirm this for me Mike.



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Thanks for that Mike but it looks like Rocky is solving an alpha sort issue and not a browser display problem, should this be opened as a bug ticket as I'm sure there are an awful lot of customers using IE8?


Absolutely, it never hurts to open a bug ticket, the worst thing that could happen is that our dev team would say "this is not a bug, check out the solution here."



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