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PS There is no product in the comparator

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We are running a couple ps shops and during our testing of compare products, we receive "There is no product in the comparator".


There are several documented problems related to this and I tried applying them but apparently I am not doing this correctly as it created fatal errors out of CategoryController at line 147: getCompareProducts, so I backed out the change. (http://forge.prestas...owse/PSCFI-3154)

"Fatal error: Call to undefined method CompareProduct::getCompareProducts() in /var/www/vhosts/our_url/httpdocs/controllers/CategoryController.php on line 147"

if (isset(self::$cookie->id_compare))
 self::$smarty->assign('compareProducts', CompareProduct::getCompareProducts((int)self::$cookie->id_compare));


I've opened http://forge.prestas...owse/PSCFI-4680 but was hoping someone may have had the same problem and figured out how to fix/apply changes that are on forge.


This is happening on our demo with PS new theme as well as our shop running a custom template. I see that the PS demo with new theme works fine, i.e. compare works so there must be some fix, yes?


demo is here


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Prestashop version:

Server information: Linux #1 SMP Fri Jun 3 00:02:40 MSD 2011 i686

Server software version: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)

PHP version: 5.3.8

MySQL version: 5.0.77

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