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Move data from beta version to final

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If I start building a webshop locally now with 1.5b2 version, filling it with products and even translating it to my local language - will the data be (easily) transferable to the final version.


Is it likely that the final will be released within a couple of months?



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If the final version are ready in two weeks or so, its okay, but to my experience, final version release dates often are delayed.


I´m also starting up a new shop, and wants of course to make use of the possibilities in the new 1.5, and anyhow, so close to the release of a completely new version, it would be foolish to built on the outgoing version.


I think you really should work on a way to upgrade easy from the Beta version. Should not be that difficult. (But of course, I´m not an expert)


Best regards Kim

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