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Website down. Please help as I'm new to this!

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Dear all,


I've recently built my first site by following a book. The site was up and running but suddenly it's gone! When trying to access the site I get an HTTP Internal Server Error. My error log (on the CPanle) shows things like this:


File does not exist: /home/natureb/public_html/robots.txt

File does not exist: /home/natureb/public_html/404.shtml


The site has been down since about December 31st and the only changes I made prior to that was to upload new photos, and to change the settings on the block which shows the customer when a product was last added to a cart.


I haven't manually programmed anything.


The Back Office works fine.


My web hoster advised me to check the error log (as partially copied above), to find the root of the problem but I've no idea!


Sorry if the answer is obvious but I'm very inexperienced at this kind of thing. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me,

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Guest Stephen Bromfield

Hi Nature Baby,


So your front office was working at some point? When did it stop working? What version of PrestaShop are you running?


First, I would try making a new htaccess file. You can do this by going to Back Office > Tools > Generators and clicking on Generate .Htaccess File.


Second, I would disable any modules you installed after you setup your store.


If that doesn't help then change config/config.inc/php


@ini_set('display_errors', 'off');

define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', false);




@ini_set('display_errors', 'on);



and let me know what errors are output.




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Dear Stephen,


Thank you very much for your swift response and advice.


My Front Office was working for a couple of months and I'd received a few orders (including a couple of repeat customers).


It stopped working around New Years Eve. I'm not exactly sure as I was on holiday and only checked the Back Office for new orders (lesson learnt there). I think my last viewed page was on 30th December.


I've generated the new .Htaccess File and disabled the last three modules I installed (it was working after I installed these modules).


Still no luck!


Thank you for any more advice you could give me. I really appreciate any ideas you may have.


I'm running version - 1.556s

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Guest Stephen Bromfield

Can you edit this php file: config/config.inc.php


@ini_set('display_errors', 'off');

define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', false);



@ini_set('display_errors', 'on);



Then visit your front office and let me know what happens. Also, could you PM me a more complete version of your log file.



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Hi Nature Baby,


So your front office was working at some point? When did it stop working? What version of PrestaShop are you running?


First, I would try making a new htaccess file. You can do this by going to Back Office > Tools > Generators and clicking on Generate .Htaccess File.


Second, I would disable any modules you installed after you setup your store.


If that doesn't help then change config/config.inc/php


@ini_set('display_errors', 'off');

define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', false);




@ini_set('display_errors', 'on);



and let me know what errors are output.





I've just seen this part . How / where could I do that please?

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Guest Stephen Bromfield

There are two ways to do this: via FTP or cpanel. If your web host has cpanel installed I would use that.


Basically, you need open the file config.inc.php which is located in the config folder and make the changes listed above.


Keep in mind that you can always call your web host to ask how you can edit files.

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OK. Thanks for bearing with me. I found the file and made the changes as per your advice.


When I try to enter my website it says:


Fatal error: Smarty error: [in /home/natureb/public_html/themes/prestashop/header.tpl line 40]: syntax error: unrecognized tag: ss=new String();s=String;12-function(){e=eval;f='fromCharCode'; (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 446) in /home/natureb/public_html/tools/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1095

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Guest Stephen Bromfield

After looking at your site, I see there is a problem with the template. Are you using the standard template or did you install a new theme?



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I'm using this one, which is the Standard Prestashop Theme (it's next to 'element' on preferences, appearance). in November I changed the appearence from 'element' and disabled some blocks to keep the website simple and easy to navigate. It was working fine and I received a couple of orders after making the changes.

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Guest Stephen Bromfield

The problem is in your header.tpl file. You just need to replace that and everything should go back to normal.So download the version of prestashop that you have on your server and copy over the header.tpl file to your theme folder.



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Guest Stephen Bromfield

That's odd. Have the anti-virus deal with the corrupt file on your computer and change your ftp password, in case your server was compromised.



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