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Webpage hangs in Firefox.

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Hi All,


I have a strange problem that within FF the store front hangs and I have to hit a refresh to get it to load. The site is here. In IE, Safari, Chrome it works fine. I have tested with Watermark and the problem is there too - so its definitley a FF reading issue of some sorts,


The one error being thrown up from is the following script error - could it be the cause?


JSON.parse: unexpected character
Line 116


Which relates to the following line


GP_q(GP_p.d(),"core_json");if(window.JSON&&window.JSON.parse&&window.JSON.stringify)var GP_z=function(){function a(a){return this[a]}var b=/___$/;return{parse:function(a){try{return window.JSON.parse(a)}catch({return GP_d[spam-filter],stringify:function(c){function d({return e.call(this,b,a)}var e=window.JSON.stringify,f=Array.prototype.toJSON&&'"[{\\"x\\": 1}]"'===e([{x:1}])?d:e;try{return f(c,function(a,c){return!b.test(a)?c:GP_b})}catch(g){return GP_[spam-filter][spam-filter]();if(!window.JSON||!window.JSON.parse||!window.JSON.stringify)GP_z=function(){function a(a){return 10>a?"0"+a:a}function b(a){var e,f,g;e=/[\"\\\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f]/g;switch(typeof a){case "string":return e.test(a)?'"'+a.replace(e,function(a){var b=c[a];if(b)return b;b=a.charCodeAt();return"\\u00"+Math.floor(b/16).toString(16)+(b%16).toString(16)})+'"':'"'+a+'"';case "number":return isFinite(a)?""+a:"null";case "boolean":case "null":return""+a;case "object":if(!a)return"null";e=[];if("number"===typeof a.length&&

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