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Categories block not setting https

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I've recently updated a shop that I'm working on to version and have started using SSL.


It's running on a Zeus web server (not my choice).


The only problem that I'm having is that the categories block is showing a url of http instead of https. Is there a simple fix for this?



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Do you have a problem with some pages appearing with a broken SSL seal in the browser?

Can you post an example URL?


It is a problem with the links in the categories module appearing with http instead of https


I used the free text module to create a workaround for now so I cannot provide example urls, hopefully preerp10 can.

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Links can (and in this case should) be http:// in an SSL https:// page, as they do not load content, and will not break the SSL seal.


Only content that is actually being loaded from http:// can break an https:// page, contect such as <img> tag, javascript / css included files, or flash / other video.


Can't say for sure without looking, but I don't think the categories module is the issue here

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using firefox you can see what media is causing the issue.


click on the favicon and you will get a popup box, click the "more Info" button that appears.

in the new window that appears, click on the Media section.

now scroll through the media and see what content is being served via http

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