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Attributes Problem

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Here is my problem

I'm doing a shopping cart for pizza shop .

for each pizza there are 20 Extra toppings each costs 0.70 pounds .

i 'add a product say Pepperoni Pizza and add extra toppings as attribute.


BBQ Chicken - Yes, No

Mushroom - Yes ,No



If i use combination generator it'll generate 2^20 combinations = 1 million . so it wont work. but if i use Combinations separately when i select combinatios from front end first attribute is only working. orthes shows but if you select Yes price dose not change. how to solve this ?

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I used to find that dealing with the attributes was a real pain. You should check out "Attribute Wizzard" It is so worth it. it is the only money I've ever spent on my site, and it makes it really easy to add attributes properly. very user friendly.




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