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Question marks appear on my pages

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Hello there,


I am using one of free prestashop modules. I have this problem in my front office that there are lots of question marks displaying, when i inspect the element i find that it's an image from my social bookmark blockrss module.


If someone ever experienced this issue please share the solution with me.


I have attached screenshots.


Many thanks!!!



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Can you provide the URL of your site.


Thank you.

My site url is www.electronicsforeal.com


I am using 1.2.5 version, this started after i turned on friendly url function, I get space image question marks(?)on the front menu.


Greatly appreciate your help!!

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Hi Dave,

Thanks again.


Just regerated .htaccess file but didn't work.


The thing is, its not only with social bookmarks module, any module with pictures embedded will show question marks, check footer data block module as well u can see that(?), Language and Currency block

v0.7 display same(?) too!!

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Having had anothe look at your site it seems all the related images are module related.


Can you check that the images being called are actually in the folders. For example:



Maybe you could double check your module folder permissions are writable and regenerate .htaccess again.


Finally, try disabling the social bookmark module and see if your language/currency module images appear. It could be a module that's causing the issue.




Other than that, not sure what it can be.

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Hi Dave,

I have inspected and found that elements called are actually in the folders.this windows live image /icons/wlive.png is actually available in the folder. I do not know why its catching 404 error.

I have give 755 permission to modules folder recursively to directories under it and regenerated .htacces but not working.

Finally i have tried enabling language/currency module while disabling social bookmark module but still not working....

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After thinking about it I do recall from some time back I had this problem with 1.2.5 on a menu module.


If I remeber correctly it had something to do with SLL in Preferences being active but can't be 100% sure.


Other than that I can't think what else you could try. Hopefully someone will come along with more advice.


Any reason why you haven't upgraded to a later version of prestashop?

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