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Ajax not working in admin-dev prestshop 1.5 beta 2

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I installed prestashop 1.5 beta 2 and in admin couldn't get Ajax working. The symptom is that it keeps showing 'Loading...' when for example trying to show categories caused by open_basedir.


I isolated the issue to a warning which corrupted the ajax output.


file_exists() [<a href='function.file-exists'>function.file-exists</a>]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/demo/domains/demo.com/public_html/shop15/admin-dev/themes/index.php/admin.css) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/demo/:/tmp:/var/tmp:/usr/local/lib/php/) in <b>/home/demo/domains/demo.com/public_html/shop15/admin-dev/init.php</b> on line <b>71</b><br />


It's related to open_openbase setting in directadmin. I don't want to switch off open_basedir!


As you can see it looks ok that the file is within the /home/demo/ HOWEVER prestashop init.php tries to open a file (index.php) as a directory! Which is wrong (and took me some time before I noticed).


I modified admin-dev/init.php line 72:


foreach (scandir($path) as $theme)
 if ($theme[0] != '.' AND file_exists($path.$theme.'/admin.css'))
$employee->bo_theme = $theme;


and added the test is_dir($path.$theme), so the code is:


foreach (scandir($path) as $theme)
 if ($theme[0] != '.' AND is_dir($path.$theme) AND file_exists($path.$theme.'/admin.css'))
$employee->bo_theme = $theme;


I couldn't make a bugfix account so I hope it's ok to report this PS1.5 beta issue here.

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