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I have a problem with the site. When I try to create an account, finish an order, send a mail from "Contact" and other importand commands from admin pannel tris error appear. All commands mentioned are perform but this error always apear and the customers doesn't know if the command have effect. The error is "500 Internal Server Error". Try to send a message and you will see the error and write "Test" at the section "Mesaj". Thanks!

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Check out http://www.presto-ch...ixing-error-500


If none of those work, you should examine your error log (from cpanel) and see the exact reason for that error (error 500 is a generic error).


The Host company said that the error 500 comes from my Apache server and they put me to search the error.

In file .error.log show me this error when I try to send a mail and when I try to create an account:


[Mon Jan 09 01:46:25 2012] [error] [client] malformed header from script. Bad header=More than one "from" person: php, referer: http://outletsex.ro/shop/contact-us


[Mon Jan 09 01:50:46 2012] [error] [client] malformed header from script. Bad header=More than one "from" person: php, referer: http://outletsex.ro/.../authentication



It seems to be one error that goes to the others -- "malformed header from script. Bad header=More than one "from" person: php" -- but I realy don't know what that's mean...

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It looks like the error is coming from the mail program, do you have any trouble sending any emails from the site?


Yes, I think that is a problem... theoreticaly the site must send a mail to costumers when he create an account, finalise an order and send a mail to us but it doesn't do that ... I don't analise this problem cause I thought that isn't very necesary and I didn't think cause this is the problem...My version is PrestaShop™ . Where would be the problem?

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I would start by checking the the shop email is correct (as that is used as the "From" field.

You can then try to debug classes/Mail.php of /tools/swift/Swift.php to see what value is being sent in the "From" field.



If I try to change that files with others from another site that work? It should work right? Or it have personal setings if it is put on another server..?


I try this, it doesn't work.


I will put that files here and if you aren't busy, can you take look, please? I don't know what could be the wrong code, it seem's to be ok.. :-?


Or, if I make an update to last version, you tink that the error will disappear?



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Weird. I've got the same problem now. The site was working fine.


Now when I change order status to something that sends e-mails I get a 500-error. I also get the 500-error when a customer places an order even when I've turned of the e-mail on that order status. Guess it's because it sends the order-recieved to me.


I use one.com as webhost.

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They have uppdatedet from php 5.3.8 -> 5.3.9 this morning. Seems the problems started after that. Stupid webhost says they don't save the error log (one.com). Any ideas of what I can do?




Hi declint,

In your config/config.inc.php file, please set "Display Errors" to "On," and then try to replicate the error and let me know if you get a specific error message.



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I've turned on php error reporting both in the webadmin and the config file. I still only get the 500-error


The e-mail gets sent but then something happens.


When I change the status of an order, the order changes and the e-mail goes out. (500-error message when email i sent, otherwise no problem)


When I place a test order in the store, the order gets created. However the order doesn't display in the "orders" tab in admin. But the order exists in ps_orders in the database. All other order have an entry in the "ps_order_state", but new orders don't (500-error message)

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Hi declint,

I think I'm having a little difficulty visualizing exactly what is happening in your situation. Could you post a screencast or a series of screenshots to give me a better idea of what is going on? If you're not comfortable posting them directly to this thread, you could always PM me.



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I found the problem now. There seems to be something wrong with swift mailing.


After debugging for some time I found that the 500-error occured when the code below was executed in Mail.php


/* Send mail */

$send = $swift->send($message, $to, new Swift_Address($from, $fromName));

Now I have changed to SMTP mailing instead. I have some problem with the correct configuration, so mails aren't being sent. But the shop doesn't crash anymore.


I will continue to investigate and see what's going on since the

sendMailTest() in Mail.php doesn't make the site crash

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Helllo! I got the same problem now as you declint. I asked One.com for help, but they say they cant help me.


When I place a test order in the store, the order gets created. However the order doesn't display in the "orders" tab in admin. But the order exists in ps_orders in the database. All other order have an entry in the "ps_order_state", but new orders don't (500-error message).


I have a backup, vill this help? ore is the problem One.com




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I solved this problem!


One.com have made changes on the server that affect e-mail mailing


Preferences - E-mail.

"my own SMTP parameters. For advanced users only"


Now the prolblems are gone:)


Hope this helps others with the same "one.com" problem.



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As working admin at One.com I can say that this is not a PrestaShop issue but was (it should be fixed now) an issue caused by PHP 5.3.9 breaking an internal patch for a security enhancement relating to mail(). Our internal tests did not reveal this issue and that was most unfortunate.

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It's possible to come from the site and not from the server? How can I stop it? I don't wanna send the emails, i just wanna stop the error for a while. Declint, what have you changed on the server to stop it?

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