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[SOLVED] Can't Upload Images - Can't See Products.

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Just installed


1) Under "Categories" I add new products. When I click on a Category I cant see no products in Front shop.


2) I click to upload product's images but the message is :" An error occurred during the image upload"


3) Also, sometimes when click on a Category, the Category box list dissapears , and no products shown also.




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This looks as if it is likely an issue with your hosting provider. The first thing I would suggest is that you call them and ask what they can potentially fix on their end, such as upgrading your memory_limit and max_upload_size values in your php.ini.


I hope this helps.




Seems you're right, I'll let you know.

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Let me know how it goes!


Hi Mike, my host returned the following:


"The setings for available memory and the upload are very high for all our accounts of the server in a way not to cause problems with known scripts.


upload_max_filesize = 50M

memory_limit = 100M


So, the problem is not there. You can try to uninstall and reinstall and then to see at server's log if there will be an error and then uninstall the modsecurity."


Any help from you?



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  • 2 weeks later...


Is this a brand new installation or did you upgrade from a previous version of PrestaShop?




Hello Mike,


Problem solved. I re-installed the prestashop and no problem.

Thanks for advices. By the way how can we change background colours/textures and can Prestashop send email notification to two different email adresses when an order gets in?



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Great, I'm glad you were able to resolve this! I'll go ahead and mark this thread as solved for you.


As for your other two questions, PrestaShop forum rules require you to post new threads for each question, but just to answer you quickly, you can change the background colors in your theme's global.css file, and you can add multiple email addresses in your Back Office by configuring the Mail Alerts module.



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Great, I'm glad you were able to resolve this! I'll go ahead and mark this thread as solved for you.


As for your other two questions, PrestaShop forum rules require you to post new threads for each question, but just to answer you quickly, you can change the background colors in your theme's global.css file, and you can add multiple email addresses in your Back Office by configuring the Mail Alerts module.



Thanks for turning it Solved for me and thanks also for getting back always.


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