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Paypal Api Error

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One of my customers is getting this error while trying to check out. Can someone tell me what is going on. I live in France and this customer lives in Martinique. She apparently buys from other people in France and never gets this error.

I am using


PayPal returned error


Merci de vous reférer aux logs :

  1. Ouvre une nouvelle connection vers 'api-3t.paypal.com/nvp'
  2. Connection réussie avec la méthode cURL
  3. Envoie des paramètres :
  4. METHOD=DoExpressCheckoutPayment&VERSION=53.0&PWD=*********&USER=ametibetaine_api1.hotmail.com&SIGNATURE=*********&TOKEN=EC-1NC09018RC587374T&PAYERID=WTHTMS7HT82QJ&PAYMENTACTION=Sale&AMT=52.99&CURRENCYCODE=EUR&IPADDRESS=www.ametibetaine.com&NOTIFYURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ametibetaine.com%2Fmodules%2Fpaypalapi%2Fipn.php&BUTTONSOURCE=PRESTASHOP_ECM&SHIPTONAME=+PONCEAU+Colette&SHIPTOSTREET=B%C3%A2t+la+Bellone+-+Apt+11+Maniba+II&SHIPTOCITY=CASE+PILOTE&SHIPTOSTATE=&SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE=FR&SHIPTOZIP=97222
  5. Envoie réussi avec la méthode cURL
  6. Réponse PayPal :
  7. TIMESTAMP -> 2012-01-03T09:24:01Z
  8. CORRELATIONID -> d9297e80cd976
  9. ACK -> Failure
  10. VERSION -> 53.0
  11. BUILD -> 2271164
  12. L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10474
  13. L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Invalid Data
  14. L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> This transaction cannot be processed. The shipping country is not allowed by the buyer's country of residence.
  15. L_SEVERITYCODE0 -> Error

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This is the error "This transaction cannot be processed. The shipping country is not allowed by the buyer's country of residence."

Paypal seems to have some restrictions on certain countries, for some reason, people from China cannot buy anything from a US company.

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Hi Tomerg3,

Thank for your reply. But are you sure the reason of error is that?

Some other customers have also been receiving the error. One of them a returning customer who did not have this problem before. I am not sure what is going on but it is harming by business.

Please look at this error, it is different from the one above:


Un client a rencontré un problème avec le module PayPalAPI: Ouvre une nouvelle connection vers 'api-3t.paypal.com/nvp'

Connection réussie avec la méthode cURL

Envoie des paramètres :


Envoie réussi avec la méthode cURL

Réponse PayPal :

TIMESTAMP -> 2012-01-06T15:41:53Z

CORRELATIONID -> ba59146e911ea

ACK -> Failure

VERSION -> 53.0

BUILD -> 2271164

L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10417

L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Transaction cannot complete.

L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> The transaction cannot complete successfully. Instruct the customer to use an alternative payment method.


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Paypal is very vague with their errors, I believe that error The transaction cannot complete successfully. Instruct the customer to use an alternative payment method. means the customer tried to use a credit card (or other method but not using fund already in their account) and the payment was rejected.

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