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Problems Updating, Need Help

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I've been having issues upgrading my Prestashop for the past month and I NEED to get my business going again. I'm very disappointed with the technical support right now. About 3 or 4 weeks ago, I was in contact with a Prestashop member to try and debug my errors. He told me that he would pass along my information to technical support and they would handle it. I've requested technical support through the website and emailed the Prestashop member a couple times but nothing. I really hope someone can help me on the forum.


Ok, here's my current situation and timeline:

  • Originally installed
  • Made some changes, including some custom changes to the core files
  • decided to upgrade to
  • used to installatron from my host but it really messed things up so I installed a backup
  • tried to use the autoupgrade but I got an error
  • manually updated the files to
  • For the most part, everything updated fine with a few errors (couldn't create vouchers and a couple other things)
  • fully customized my site with several edits to core files to achieve what I wanted without any problems
  • Found a Forge entry that matched my voucher creation error and a PrestaShop member contacted me and examined my website
  • Prestashop member informed me that the files were updated but the database was still
  • Since then, I've tried backing everything up and restoring an older version of and then attempting the autoupgrade
  • I've tried copying over the original files over everything and tried using the autoupgrade with an undefined error
  • I've tried installing the 0.22 autoupgrade module but it failed with an undefined error

Basically, I'm out of ideas to fix my website and right now it's offline where I can't get any sales. I really need to get this website up and running with proper files and database.


Ideally I would like to just update the database to so that I can use my existing customized files without having to do dozens of hours of work again.


If anyone can help me, it would be VERY much appreciated.





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do you have a clean backup of the database and website content prior to making any of the upgrades which started on bullet point 3 in your thread? is reverting to those backups an option, so we have a working version to start with again?


how many products, customers and orders do you have in your shop. worse case if you had to start over, how bad would it be to manually add those back?

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I have backups at various stages but I'm not 100% sure which stage each one was at. I'm pretty sure I have one prior to point 3 though. I could try reverting to that version. The current database does work for many of the functions, just not a few like the vouchers and loyalty points and a couple other things.


At the moment I have 20 products with 6 attributes each. Unfortunately all the work to add those products is manual work. To add everything back in would probably take about 6-8 hours of work... although it may be longer if there are some other things that I'm not thinking of at the moment. It took about 80-100 hours of work to customize and add everything in.

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Hi Clinton,

Who were you speaking with specifically? I would like to help you out with this, so if you can shoot me an email at mike DOT kranzler AT prestashop DOT com with any information on what you have done and who you have spoken with so far I will be happy to make sure we help you get this resolved.



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Hmm... would it work if I manually updated the database structure? I don't have too much experience working with DBs. Just enough that I could screw it up. It sounds like this guy had the same problems but there wasn't really a solution other than looking at the db file and trying to find all the changes. Is there an easy/quick way to add entries into the db file or like the guy in this forge entry said, a list of structure changes that I could use to add/change as needed?


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Guest Stephen Bromfield

Hey Ardshael,


If you are not familiar with the database structure I wouldn't recommend it. There are a lot of tables in the database, and if you are not familiar with the database structure you could alter something that could cause more issues.



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Am trying to update from to I have a current store which works well on with over 200 products and live orders, so am installing on a test site. I can install with a new Database, but cannot copy the MySQL database for the new version-I'm guessing the Database structure is different: any ideas on how to migrate the data across? Store is at http://Orishop.co.uk/

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you need to take a database backup/export from your site. this will give you a compressed zip file, save this file somewhere on your computer.

then create a new mysql database on your test site. this database should be completely empty. then using phpmyadmin, you will import that compressed zip file into the new database.

I am assuming you copied the site content to your test site, you should ensure the version works properly first on your test site. once it is working, then perform the upgrade using the upgrade instructions located in the prestashop wiki

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