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Htaccess Generator Not Working After Upgrade

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I used the autoupgrade module and everything seems ok on my shop apart from in the BO i can not longer access the Tools -> Generator or Preferences -> Search tabs.

When i try to access them i get an error of 'Access denied'


No error is showing in my apache error logs.


Any ideas on how to get this working again?

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  • 3 months later...

Is there anyone who can help me with this problem? I am currently on presta which SEO friendly url's working ok but whenever i try to upgrade to a newer version seo friendly urls stop working and the tabs in the back office to set up regenerate the htaccess file stop working also. I have tried the auto upgrade module and also manually upgrading, and even manually upgraded to a couple of different versions but all end up with the same result and i have to restore my install and database to get it working again.

When i have done manual upgrades i get sql errors when the upgrade finishes, i don't know if this is something thats causing the problem. Here is the log from when i tried to upgrade to 1.4.4


Please can someone help me as at the moment im permenantly stuck on as the seo friendly urls working is a important feature i cannot do without


SET NAMES 'utf8'
INSERT INTO `ps_hook` (`name`, `title`, `description`, `position`, `live_edit`) VALUES ('afterSaveAdminMeta', 'After save configuration in AdminMeta', 'After save configuration in AdminMeta', 0, 0)
(1062) Duplicate entry 'afterSaveAdminMeta' for key 2
ALTER TABLE `ps_webservice_account` ADD `is_module` TINYINT( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `class_name` , ADD `module_name` VARCHAR( 50 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `is_module`
(1060) Duplicate column name 'is_module'
INSERT INTO `ps_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_IMG_UPDATE_TIME', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), NOW(), NOW())
(1062) Duplicate entry 'PS_IMG_UPDATE_TIME' for key 2
UPDATE `ps_cms_lang` set link_rewrite = "uber-uns" where link_rewrite like "%ber-uns"
ALTER TABLE `ps_connections` CHANGE `ip_address` `ip_address` BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL
UPDATE `ps_meta_lang` SET `title` = 'Angebote', `keywords` = 'besonders, Angebote', `url_rewrite` = 'angebote' WHERE url_rewrite = 'preise-fallen'
ALTER TABLE `ps_country` ADD `display_tax_label` BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'
(1060) Duplicate column name 'display_tax_label'
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_country_tax`
ALTER TABLE `ps_order_detail` CHANGE `product_quantity_in_stock` `product_quantity_in_stock` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
CREATE TABLE `ps_address_format` ( `id_country` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `format` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', KEY `country` (`id_country`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
(1050) Table 'ps_address_format' already exists
INSERT INTO `ps_address_format` (`id_country`, `format`) (SELECT `id_country` as id_country, 'firstname lastname\ncompany\nvat_number\naddress1\naddress2\npostcode city\ncountry\nphone' as format FROM ps_country)
UPDATE `ps_address_format` set `format`='firstname lastname company address1 address2 city State:name postcode country phone' where `id_country`=21
/* PHP:alter_cms_block(); */
/* PHP:add_module_to_hook(blockcategories, afterSaveAdminMeta); */
SET NAMES 'utf8'
ALTER TABLE `ps_tab_lang` MODIFY `id_lang` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AFTER `id_tab`
ALTER TABLE `ps_carrier` ADD `is_free` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `is_module`
(1060) Duplicate column name 'is_free'
UPDATE `ps_address_format` SET `format`=REPLACE(REPLACE(`format`, 'state_iso', 'State:name'), 'country', 'Country:name')
ALTER TABLE `ps_orders` ADD INDEX `date_add`(`date_add`)
(1061) Duplicate key name 'date_add'
/* PHP:update_module_followup(); */
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_STOCK_MVT_REASON_DEFAULT', 3, NOW(), NOW())
/* PHP:add_order_state(PS_OS_WS_PAYMENT, en:Payment remotely accepted|fr:Paiement à distance accepté, 0, 0, lightblue, 1, 0, 0); */
/* PHP:alter_blocklink(); */
/* PHP:update_module_loyalty(); */
/* PHP:remove_module_from_hook(blockcategories, afterCreateHtaccess); */
/* PHP:updatetabicon_from_11version(); */
SET NAMES 'utf8'
DELETE FROM `ps_configuration_lang` WHERE 1 AND `value` is NULL AND `date_upd` is NULL
SET NAMES 'utf8'
UPDATE `ps_country` SET `display_tax_label` = '1' WHERE `id_country` = 21
/* PHP:check_webservice_account_table(); */
/* PHP:add_module_to_hook(blockcms, leftColumn); */
/* PHP:add_module_to_hook(blockcms, rightColumn); */
/* PHP:add_module_to_hook(blockcms, footer); */
UPDATE `ps_cart` ca SET `secure_key` = IFNULL((SELECT `secure_key` from `ps_customer` `cu` WHERE `cu`.`id_customer` = `ca`.`id_customer`), -1) WHERE `ca`.`secure_key` = -1
SET NAMES 'utf8'
UPDATE `ps_address_format` SET `format`=REPLACE(`format`, 'state', 'State:name')
SET @defaultOOS = (SELECT value FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE name = 'PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK')

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still having an issue with this, its definitely an issue with the database after the upgrade, as if i do a clean install of prestashop with a new database the htaccess generator tab works fine.

But if i then take the clean install and change the database to use the dbase from the upgraded shop the htaccess generator tab stops working with the access denied error.


Also get access denied error on these tabs as well:

customers > carts

customers > groups

stats > search engines

stats > referrers

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the best thing i can say is that your access control tables get messed up.


I would tell you to first look at the ps_tab table, and find the id_tab for the "AdminGenerator" class_name. For me I get id_tab = 64

SELECT * FROM `ps_tab` WHERE `class_name` LIKE '%AdminGenerator%'


Next search the ps_access to find the permissions for the AdminGenerator

SELECT * FROM `ps_access` WHERE `id_tab` =64


Next run this query to see all your profile ids

SELECT * FROM `ps_profile`


Then report back the results of those queries so we can proceed

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, guys, try this:

1. Confirm the Tab-id and the Profile-id

Find viewAccess() in class AdminTabCore (path: classes\AdminTab.php), print variables $cookie->profile and $this->id.


2. Execute SQL in database:

INSERT INTO ps_access(id_profile,id_tab,view,`add`,edit,`delete`) VALUES(replace_your_profile_id, replace_your_tab_id, 1,1,1,1);


Good luck!!

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I had the same problem.


I got over this by creating a new profile with all the admin permissions, and then creating a new user using the new profile I created.


Click the employees tab, and then profiles. Click add new, type in a name for your new profile and save. Then click the permissions tab and choose the new profile in the drop down list. In the top line click all, this should give you all the permissions you need.


Add a new employee with your newly created profile, logon as the new employee and hopefully you can access your tabs.


Hope this helps someone as this problem drove me nuts for days !!

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, guys, try this:

1. Confirm the Tab-id and the Profile-id

Find viewAccess() in class AdminTabCore (path: classes\AdminTab.php), print variables $cookie->profile and $this->id.


2. Execute SQL in database:

INSERT INTO ps_access(id_profile,id_tab,view,`add`,edit,`delete`) VALUES(replace_your_profile_id, replace_your_tab_id, 1,1,1,1);


Good luck!!


Hi thanks for your suggestion but where exactly do i put in the code to show the tab id and profile id as it tried to put the code after viewAccess() but then it doesn't show any error when i click the tabs

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