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[Solved]Rss-Feed Products How It Works - Adaptation To Show Only The Latest New Products

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Hi, I've activated the module products RSS. I do not understand how this module works, or is it buggy ?

I added new products and the feed is always showing about 20 products, but always the same old products in alphabetic order. What's about my other 21-980 products ? Can't this module fulfill what I need ?

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Stupit question for moderator

Sorry I don't know what you mean. The role of a moderator is to moderate a forum, but not to have any knowledge of programming...


I cant figure out how this module is working. Is it for new products or not ? This was my question.


I found a hack here in the forum:


$products = Product::getNewProducts(intval($cookie->id_lang), 0, 20, false, 'date_add', 'DESC');


RSS-link opened with FF shows than only the new products, opened with Opera there are again all products and only the first 20 in alphabetic order. So it does not work.

My catalog contains 22.00 products, so this is not what I need. Also I want to pull this RSS Feed on my Word-Press block, but only the new products added.


Or the module is buggy, or it does not work how I like.


My question clear and exact again: I want to have a RSS-Feed only for the latest added products. Ist it this possible with this module. Yes or No, and if not please make a suggestion.


I haven't asked if my question ist stupid or not. I'm only a User of good Prestashop knowledge. Sorry for my ignorance. Take also in mind, that it could be possible that the person who translated the module into German made something wrong. It is translated as: RSS-Fedd for new products. So I assume that it fullfils what I need....

If it is wrong, so the translation must be changed (It is not the first wrong translation I found...)

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I found help on the french forum on an old post. I tried by myself some code changes and this one helps:


change line 35 of /module/feeder/rss.php to:


$products = Product::getProducts(intval($cookie->id_lang), 0, ($number > 10 ? 10 : $number), 'date_add', 'DESC', true, false);


and only the latest 10 new products where showing on all browser- Now I'm able to use the push-widget to my blog and others...

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  • 2 months later...

Stupit question for moderator


There's no such thing as "stupid questions". That concept is so wrong that I'm not even going to dig deeper on that.

There is however such thing as stupid people. You know, the kind of people that prevent others from learning by bullying them for no reason. Also, they can't even write words or sentences properly.


Coming back to the subject, the RSS module is not very well documented, it would be really nice to know what it does or even how to access the rss page (just a line in the module description would help).


As an alternative, consider using "googlebase". It is originally a free module to export product feeds to Google Merchant (so they show in Google Product Search), but the xml output is well constructed and useful.

If you know a bit of programming, you can customise it to match your needs. Link

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