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Product Assignment And Reassignment Problem With Home Category For Feature Page

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Hi Guys. I’m running 1.3.7 and having problems removing products from the Home Catalog.

For example, I’ll create a new product and assign it to anything else other than home plus set the default cagtegory to what I have selected for example, if I have a catalogue of “handbags” I’’ firstly select the default category to handbags then uncheck the home check box as I don’t want that product to be displayed on the featured products part. Save and continue.. all works.

OK, so now I want it to appear on the feature page so I assign that same product to the home category. Cool. All works.. I can now see the product. I then decide to remove it.

When I save I get this error...


Fatal error: Call to undefined method Product::deleteCategory() in C:\xampp\htdocs\presta1.3.7\classes\Product.php on line 553


The only way to get around this is to delete the product and then re add it... Please help !!! :(



1st image show the page b4 save, the other after I hit save



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After going through the code I notice that Inveostore had updated the code base to 1.4. This seems to not work so I reverted the offending method back to 1.3. seems to work... I updated the product.php from the classes folder and replace new method they put:



public function updateCategories($categories, $keepingCurrentPos = false)


if (empty($categories))

return false;

$positions = array();

// get max position in each categories

$result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT `id_category`

FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product`

WHERE `id_category` NOT IN('.implode(',', array_map('intval', $categories)).')

AND id_product = '. $this->id .'');

foreach ($result as $categToDelete){



// if none are found, it's an error

if (!is_array($result))

return (false);


if (!$this->addToCategories($categories))

return false;


return true;





with the old code:



public function updateCategories($categories, $keepingCurrentPos = false)


$positions = array();

$arraystring = implode(',', array_map('intval', $categories));

$result = 0;

if (!empty($arraystring))

$result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT IFNULL(MAX(`position`), 0) + 1 AS max, `id_category`

FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product`

WHERE `id_category` IN('.$arraystring.')

GROUP BY `id_category`


if (!is_array($result))

return (false);

foreach ($result AS $position)

$positions[$position['id_category']] = $position;

/* Product Update, so saving current positions */

if ($keepingCurrentPos)


if (!is_array($oldPositions = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT `id_category`, `id_product`, `position` AS max FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` WHERE `id_product` = '.intval($this->id))))

return false;

foreach ($oldPositions AS $position)

$positions[$position['id_category']] = $position;



$productCats = array();

foreach ($categories AS &$categorie)

$categorie = intval($categorie);

foreach ($categories AS $k => $productCategory)

$productCats[] = '('.$productCategory.','.$this->id.','.(isset($positions[$productCategory]) ? $positions[$productCategory]['max'] : 0).')';


$result = Db::getInstance()->Execute('

INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` (`id_category`, `id_product`, `position`)

VALUES '.implode(',', $productCats));


return ($result);




Now I can check and un check the "home" check box so I can add them to the features page. any thoughts ?

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