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Categories Display With Gaps On The Page

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Ive got a problem with one of my pages. The categories I have keep showing up with big gaps like there are categories missing. I've attached a screen grab. If I mix the order up sometimes they will line up but most of the time they have the gaps in the same place no matter what.


Also is there a way to change the size of the thumbnail of just these images and have the text underneath, I think the pics are a bit small?



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Hi :)


edit line 8 in http://idoityourself.com.au/shop/themes/matrice/css/category.css


body#category #subcategories ol {
   border: 1px solid #EBEBEB;
   float: left;
   height: 83px;
   margin: 10px 19px 10px 0;
   padding: 1em;
   width: 260px;


Have a nice day :)


Dont forget to add solved into the topic name, and I'll be happy if you "like" my post, if it was helpfull to you. Thanks ! :)

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I've got it half working. Problem is I want to change the image size so it fits the box, I've done that and regenerated the thumb nails, looks good on the category pages, but it's effected images on my other pages. Looks like they used the same "medium" format. So how do I set up a new image size just to be used in this instance. Hope that makes sense.

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