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Stock Problem! Please Help

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I have a problem with my shop. If a product is out of stock ( 0 ) and some one buys this product so the stock movement is (-1) the shop automatically shows the product "In stock) So i have to go and manually sett the stock value to ( 0 )


This is time consuming and some times i can't get them all sett to ( 0 ) with results that my costumers believe that the product is in stock.


So when the stock value is sett to ( 0 ) it shows "out of stock" if some one buys this product, stock value changes to ( -1) and "in stock"



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Change the setting under preferences/ products to NO on Allow ordering of out of stock products.

The customer will be given the opportunity to be emailed when back in stock.




Thanks for your input


But is this the only way? I want costumers to be able to order products that are not in stock. Some products i sell are products i don't normally carry in stock.

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I don't understand why you would set it to 0 when you normally do not stock the product, set the value high as it does not really effect actual in stock amount.

Then when it gets down to a low number reset to a higher value, additionally you could just turn off show quantity available.

Other then this someone with more experience then me will have to help.

I hope this helps you somehow!

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I don't understand why you would set it to 0 when you normally do not stock the product, set the value high as it does not really effect actual in stock amount.

Then when it gets down to a low number reset to a higher value, additionally you could just turn off show quantity available.

Other then this someone with more experience then me will have to help.

I hope this helps you somehow!


I want my costumers to see what i have in stock, and what i don't have in stock. The reason some products are sett to 0 is because they are expensive, and i might sell them once a year. I have those products online so costumers who want, or need it will see that i can get it for them. If you shop online, do you e-mail stores if they can get you a specific item? or do you just order it from some one who has it listen on the website?


The thing that bothers me is why can't the stock movement work like it should? Lets say i sell batteries. I have 5 batteries in stock, costumer 1 buys all 5, so the product is out of stock. The value would be 0, and it shows as "out of stock"


If costumer 2 buys that same product one time, the value is -1 and the shop shows it as "in stock" instead of "out of stock" Now when costumer 3 comes to my shop, and sees that the product is in stock, orders it thinking its in stock, when it should be shown as "out of stock"


Why i just don't turn this future of? Some of my competitors don't show stock movement at all, and they get a lot of complains about this from costumers. I want to be able to be better then all of my competitors at all the places i can be, making it easier and better for my costumers. How many times haven't you ordered something online, later receiving an e-mail about it being out of stock?


Its about making it easier for my costumers. This worked great before the 1.4 update, after that it has just been a big pain in the ass. I am just tired of having to manually update the stock, when products are out of stock.


Thats why i am asking if there is a fix for this problem. I don't want to turn off the stock movement.


But thanks for you input.


And happy new years

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know if this would work, but you could give it a try. Go to languages in the BO and change "Out of Stock" to "0 in stock", or whatever you would like displayed when the stock is 0. Just an idea to try.


Good Luck!


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