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Movement Stock Reasons: Questions?

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1) I am configuring and testing a site with PrestaShop, but I am having any problems with the Inventory Movements, and in particular with the "Stock movement reason".

I see the default, after the PS installation, 5 movement reason:

  • Increase
  • Decrease
  • Order
  • Missing Stock Movement
  • Restocking

Can anyone explain the meanings of these 5 movements reason, and specifically, when they appear to the Stock movement history?



Because from my testing, I noted only "Increase" and "Order", in the Stock Movement History, and never the other tree reasons.


2) I noted that when a customer ordered and bought a product, in the Stock Movement History I see his reason as "Order". (and the value decrease "-")


Than, I tried to simulate a "Merchandise Returns" (RMA), and when at the finally of the operations, I decide to accept the request of RMA (return item to the shop), and I check the box to Re-Stock the product/s in the Stock, in the "Stock movement history", I see that movement as an "Order"!


But an Order positive, because it increase the quantity in the Stock, "+".


I'd like that when a product comes back into the store after an RMA, appears in the stock and not such as Order, but with a different name reason, such as "Order from RMA".


Is possible make this or associate this operation with a new reason name?


Thank you,



...and happy new year!

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Hi Mike,


thank you for your reply.


But, I do not want only translate those movements (I can make that from the Inventory Movements), but I want understand well the meanings of these 5 reason movements and when they appear in the History Movements:

  • Increase
  • Decrease
  • Order
  • Missing Stock Movement
  • Restocking

Can you give me some link where study well how works them?


I tried to simulate many operations and purchase on my Shop, but I saw only movements such as "Increase" (when you insert a product and associate its quantity availability in stock) and "Order" (when someone buy a product, with negative value in the Stock History Movements).


Than, when I tested the RMA, I saw that always in the Stock History Movements, it is reported such as "Order", but with positive value.


According you, Can I associate different name at this operations?




When a person buys a product, "sale" -----------> Order


When a person requests a return merchandise, which is accepted, and then the product is reloaded in stock

-------------> Order from RMA


Thank you

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Hi Doraj,

In the Stock Movements tab, have you already clicked on the edit button next to each option at the bottom of that page? That will explain which names are associated with increases and which are associated with decreases, but you can also change this or rename each one yourself.



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