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< SOLVED > Configuration Help Required


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Dear Friends,


I have installed newsletter module. But the Ok button is visible at left side which I wish to move to center of that block. Please find image for your referance.


It will be great if anyone help me in this case.


Thanks in advance.




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I just took a look at mine I just installed this myself I have something you can try.

Look under - yourshop/themes/prestashop/css/modules/blocknewsletter/blocknewsletter.css.

Depending on your ftp program you should be able to right click the css file and choose edit.

Look at the text within this file it should be like below, my button is centered.

This is from version


/* Block newsletter */

div#newsletter_block_left div.block_content { padding: 1em 0; text-align: center }

div#newsletter_block_left div.block_content p { padding: 0.3em 0; text-align: center }

div#newsletter_block_left div.block_content input.button_mini { margin: 1em auto 0em auto }

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Dear TDR170,


Thanks for suggestion. My css file contains same text. But still OK button not appearing at center. It will be great if you provide me any other suitable solution. I tried new newsletter modules also. But for that also OK button appears at left.




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Ok give this a shot change the last line button_mini to this.


div#newsletter_block_left div.block_content input.button_mini { margin: 1em; margin-left: 70px }


change the margin left number to suite your needs. for some reason the auto feature isn't working on your theme.

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I have checked my site in Internet explore before adding ur code and in that OK button is appearing in center. Whereas in firefox its not. Let me check with code suggested by you.


Thanks for kind support.



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