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Search gives results but no products shown?

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I am using Version, I have read the forums and seen the discussion of the search problems. I think the problem I am having may be different though.


If you search for onesie, for which there are many products, and many products tagged with the word onesie, you see "18 results have been found" but then you see a blank product box with a price of $0.00.

What should I do?

Feel free to have a look at the site and test out the search function.


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there seems to be some issue with the search not setting a sort order by default.. check this by changing searchorder on the result page in the dropdowns. if the products are listed then you need to make some alterations to the php code for it to set name and asc as default.

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Thank you for having a look. You were correct.

I have my products set up to sort by Manufacturer in the back office, but none of the products have a manufacturer listed.

I changed it to add date and it seems to be fine. Now I need to figure out how to order my products correctly though :)

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