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[Solved] Password Recovery Doesn't Work (Error Ocurred When Sending The E-Mail).

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I receive an error when trying to reset password (I am working in local). I found this other thread with same problem but I do have both password_query.txt & .html files in the mails folder.


1. The error prompts when entering the email to reset a password, I am actually doing this because it seems my login does not work:

Hay 1 error :

  • Error occurred when sending the e-mail.

2. Emails configuration at the BO end (BackOffice > Preferences > Emails) is:


own SMTP (tried mail () PHP but it doesnt work either):

  • Mail domain: left it blank.
  • SMTP server: smtp.1and1.es
  • SMTP user: [email protected]
  • SMTP password: my email password.
  • Encryption: SSL
  • Port: 465 (tried 587 too)

Thank you for your help




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Hi Mike,


Thank you for the reply. Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. I can access BO, that's not a problem, the problem is while testing the Front Office, I have accounts created to test if the store works, I tried to confirm a basket with bankwire and the logging didn't work for that account, so I tried to reset password and I got that error. I changed the password in MySQL and now I can log in but still I wanted to check the restore password function and it is not working. The code in PasswordController is this one, if it helps:




if (Mail::Send((int)(self::$cookie->id_lang), 'password_query', Mail::l('Password query confirmation'),

array('{email}' => $customer->email,

'{lastname}' => $customer->lastname,

'{firstname}' => $customer->firstname,

'{url}' => self::$link->getPageLink('password.php', true).'?token='.$customer->secure_key.'&id_customer='.(int)$customer->id),


$customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname))

self::$smarty->assign(array('confirmation' => 2, 'email' => $customer->email));


$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Error occurred when sending the e-mail.');




Another questions is, could I change the 'Error occurred when sending the e-mail.' message to the current language I am using in my website or will that create issues?


I am also not getting confirmation emails when placing the orders, is that normal behaviour while working in local?


Thank you

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Ahhh I see. The first thing I would ask is that you post each issue in a separate thread per the rules of the forum, because users come to this forum every day to search for answers and its much easier if the answer they're looking for isn't buried somewhere in a discussion about something completely different.


As for the password issue, is this a new installation? And was this working in the past, or has it always been broken for you?



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Thanks Mike, will do.


Focusing on the password issue, I was on a previous version (cant remember which, maybe 1.4.4) and I never had problems with logins so I never tried before the password restore option. I just migrated to and came across this issue now.

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I just tried this and it didn't solve the problem either:


1. In /tools/swift/Swift/Message.php line #79




$this->setFrom("[email protected]");


2. In /tools/swift/Swift.php after line 370

if (!($has_reply_to = $message->getReplyTo())) $message->setReplyTo($from);

Add the following code:

if (!$has_reply_to[0])



3. In /tools/swift/Swift/Plugin/MailSend.php line # 159


$params = "";



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  • 2 weeks later...



I've had a problem with recovering customer passwords since version 1.4.3, I just upgraded to hoping that it would fix the problem but it didn't. The password recovery email that is sent contains the following link...




...so I see that the id_customer is not being inserted from the db. Have you an idea how can I fix this?




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  • 2 weeks later...



I've had a problem with recovering customer passwords since version 1.4.3, I just upgraded to hoping that it would fix the problem but it didn't. The password recovery email that is sent contains the following link...




...so I see that the id_customer is not being inserted from the db. Have you an idea how can I fix this?







I have the same problem!


if anyone has solved the problem?

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  • 3 months later...

Dear Mike i am having same problem running prestashop

I can`t use the php() solution as i am using gmail smtp.

I did find this threat :http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/129946-solved-mail-remind-password-not-work/page__p__815247__hl__password%20|%20recovery__fromsearch__1#entry815247 but very little explanation about how to tackle the situation. Any suggestions??

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  • 3 months later...



Thank you Suatje ! :)

I had same problem of password recovery not working on my PS 1.4.9 and the mail template password_query.html and password_query.txt were missing (but I don't know why???).

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