kilrathi Posted December 24, 2011 Share Posted December 24, 2011 Hi..after complete installation/ updating prestashop, it says successful install, with 19 SQL errors. Please let me know if its OK to proceed using the latest shop ? SET NAMES 'utf8' INSERT INTO `arps19_hook` (`name`, `title`, `description`, `position`, `live_edit`) VALUES ('afterSaveAdminMeta', 'After save configuration in AdminMeta', 'After save configuration in AdminMeta', 0, 0) (1062) Duplicate entry 'afterSaveAdminMeta' for key 2 ALTER TABLE `arps19_webservice_account` ADD `is_module` TINYINT( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `class_name` , ADD `module_name` VARCHAR( 50 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `is_module` (1060) Duplicate column name 'is_module' INSERT INTO `arps19_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_IMG_UPDATE_TIME', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), NOW(), NOW()) (1062) Duplicate entry 'PS_IMG_UPDATE_TIME' for key 2 UPDATE `arps19_cms_lang` set link_rewrite = "uber-uns" where link_rewrite like "%ber-uns" ALTER TABLE `arps19_connections` CHANGE `ip_address` `ip_address` BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL UPDATE `arps19_meta_lang` SET `title` = 'Angebote', `keywords` = 'besonders, Angebote', `url_rewrite` = 'angebote' WHERE url_rewrite = 'preise-fallen' ALTER TABLE `arps19_country` ADD `display_tax_label` BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' (1060) Duplicate column name 'display_tax_label' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `arps19_country_tax` ALTER TABLE `arps19_order_detail` CHANGE `product_quantity_in_stock` `product_quantity_in_stock` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' CREATE TABLE `arps19_address_format` ( `id_country` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `format` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', KEY `country` (`id_country`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 (1050) Table 'arps19_address_format' already exists INSERT INTO `arps19_address_format` (`id_country`, `format`) (SELECT `id_country` as id_country, 'firstname lastname\ncompany\nvat_number\naddress1\naddress2\npostcode city\ncountry\nphone' as format FROM arps19_country) (1062) Duplicate entry '1' for key 1 UPDATE `arps19_address_format` set `format`='firstname lastname company address1 address2 city State:name postcode country phone' where `id_country`=21 /* PHP:alter_cms_block(); */ /* PHP:add_module_to_hook(blockcategories, afterSaveAdminMeta); */ SET NAMES 'utf8' ALTER TABLE `arps19_tab_lang` MODIFY `id_lang` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AFTER `id_tab` ALTER TABLE `arps19_carrier` ADD `is_free` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `is_module` (1060) Duplicate column name 'is_free' UPDATE `arps19_address_format` SET `format`=REPLACE(REPLACE(`format`, 'state_iso', 'State:name'), 'country', 'Country:name') ALTER TABLE `arps19_orders` ADD INDEX `date_add`(`date_add`) (1061) Duplicate key name 'date_add' /* PHP:update_module_followup(); */ INSERT IGNORE INTO `arps19_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_STOCK_MVT_REASON_DEFAULT', 3, NOW(), NOW()) /* PHP:add_order_state(PS_OS_WS_PAYMENT, en:Payment remotely accepted|fr:Paiement à distance accepté, 1, 0, #DDEEFF, 1, 1, 0); */ /* PHP:alter_blocklink(); */ /* PHP:update_module_loyalty(); */ /* PHP:remove_module_from_hook(blockcategories, afterCreateHtaccess); */ /* PHP:updatetabicon_from_11version(); */ SET NAMES 'utf8' DELETE FROM `arps19_configuration_lang` WHERE 1 AND `value` is NULL AND `date_upd` is NULL SET NAMES 'utf8' UPDATE `arps19_country` SET `display_tax_label` = '1' WHERE `id_country` = 21 /* PHP:check_webservice_account_table(); */ /* PHP:add_module_to_hook(blockcms, leftColumn); */ /* PHP:add_module_to_hook(blockcms, rightColumn); */ /* PHP:add_module_to_hook(blockcms, footer); */ UPDATE `arps19_cart` ca SET `secure_key` = IFNULL((SELECT `secure_key` from `arps19_customer` `cu` WHERE `cu`.`id_customer` = `ca`.`id_customer`), -1) WHERE `ca`.`secure_key` = -1 SET NAMES 'utf8' UPDATE `arps19_address_format` SET `format`=REPLACE(`format`, 'state', 'State:name') SET @defaultOOS = (SELECT value FROM `arps19_configuration` WHERE name = 'PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') /* Set 0 for every non-attribute product */ UPDATE `arps19_product` p SET `cache_default_attribute` = 0 WHERE `id_product` NOT IN (SELECT `id_product` FROM `arps19_product_attribute`) /* First default attribute in stock */ UPDATE `arps19_product` p SET `cache_default_attribute` = (SELECT `id_product_attribute` FROM `arps19_product_attribute` WHERE `id_product` = p.`id_product` AND default_on = 1 AND quantity > 0 LIMIT 1) WHERE `cache_default_attribute` IS NULL /* Then default attribute without stock if we don't care */ UPDATE `arps19_product` p SET `cache_default_attribute` = (SELECT `id_product_attribute` FROM `arps19_product_attribute` WHERE `id_product` = p.`id_product` AND default_on = 1 LIMIT 1) WHERE `cache_default_attribute` IS NULL AND `out_of_stock` = 1 OR `out_of_stock` = IF(@defaultOOS = 1, 2, 1) /* Next, the default attribute can be any attribute with stock */ UPDATE `arps19_product` p SET `cache_default_attribute` = (SELECT `id_product_attribute` FROM `arps19_product_attribute` WHERE `id_product` = p.`id_product` AND quantity > 0 LIMIT 1) WHERE `cache_default_attribute` IS NULL /* If there is still no default attribute, then we go back to the default one */ UPDATE `arps19_product` p SET `cache_default_attribute` = (SELECT `id_product_attribute` FROM `arps19_product_attribute` WHERE `id_product` = p.`id_product` AND default_on = 1 LIMIT 1) WHERE `cache_default_attribute` IS NULL UPDATE `arps19_order_state_lang` SET `name` = 'Zahlung eingegangen' WHERE `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_order_state` =2 AND `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_lang` = (SELECT id_lang FROM `arps19_lang` WHERE `iso_code` = 'de') UPDATE `arps19_order_state_lang` SET `name` = 'Bestellung eingegangen' WHERE `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_order_state` =3 AND `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_lang` = (SELECT id_lang FROM `arps19_lang` WHERE `iso_code` = 'de') UPDATE `arps19_order_state_lang` SET `name` = 'Versendet' WHERE `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_order_state` =4 AND `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_lang` = (SELECT id_lang FROM `arps19_lang` WHERE `iso_code` = 'de') UPDATE `arps19_order_state_lang` SET `name` = 'Erfolgreich abgeschlossen' WHERE `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_order_state` =5 AND `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_lang` = (SELECT id_lang FROM `arps19_lang` WHERE `iso_code` = 'de') UPDATE `arps19_order_state_lang` SET `name` = 'Storniert' WHERE `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_order_state` =6 AND `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_lang` = (SELECT id_lang FROM `arps19_lang` WHERE `iso_code` = 'de') UPDATE `arps19_order_state_lang` SET `name` = 'Fehler bei der Bezahlung' WHERE `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_order_state` =8 AND `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_lang` = (SELECT id_lang FROM `arps19_lang` WHERE `iso_code` = 'de') UPDATE `arps19_order_state_lang` SET `name` = 'Artikel erwartet' WHERE `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_order_state` =9 AND `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_lang` = (SELECT id_lang FROM `arps19_lang` WHERE `iso_code` = 'de') UPDATE `arps19_order_state_lang` SET `name` = 'Warten auf Zahlungseingang' WHERE `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_order_state` =10 AND `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_lang` = (SELECT id_lang FROM `arps19_lang` WHERE `iso_code` = 'de') UPDATE `arps19_order_state_lang` SET `name` = 'Warten auf Zahlungseingang von PayPal' WHERE `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_order_state` =11 AND `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_lang` = (SELECT id_lang FROM `arps19_lang` WHERE `iso_code` = 'de') UPDATE `arps19_order_state_lang` SET `name` = 'PayPal Anmeldung erfolgreich' WHERE `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_order_state` =12 AND `arps19_order_state_lang`.`id_lang` = (SELECT id_lang FROM `arps19_lang` WHERE `iso_code` = 'de') UPDATE `arps19_meta_lang` SET `url_rewrite` = 'identita' WHERE `url_rewrite` = 'Identità ' /* PHP:add_missing_rewrite_value(); */ SET NAMES 'utf8' INSERT IGNORE INTO `arps19_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_BACKUP_DROP_TABLE', 1, NOW(), NOW()) UPDATE `arps19_tab_lang` SET `name` = 'SEO & URLs' WHERE `id_tab` = (SELECT `id_tab` FROM `arps19_tab` WHERE `class_name` = 'AdminMeta' LIMIT 1) AND `id_lang` IN (SELECT `id_lang` FROM `arps19_lang` WHERE `iso_code` IN ('en','fr','es','de','it')) /* These 3 lines (remove_duplicate, drop index, add unique) MUST stay together in this order */ /* PHP:remove_duplicate_category_groups(); */ ALTER TABLE `arps19_category_group` DROP INDEX `category_group_index` ALTER TABLE `arps19_category_group` ADD UNIQUE `category_group_index` (`id_category`,`id_group`) SET NAMES 'utf8' /* Fix wrong category level_depth caused by bug in upgrade script */ /* PHP:regenerate_level_depth(); */ SET NAMES 'utf8' UPDATE `arps19_address_format` SET `format`='firstname lastname company address1 address2 city State:name postcode Country:name' WHERE `id_country` = (SELECT `id_country` FROM `arps19_country` WHERE `iso_code`='GB') UPDATE `arps19_country` SET `contains_states` = 1 WHERE `id_country` = 145 INSERT INTO `arps19_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_LEGACY_IMAGES', '1', NOW(), NOW()) (1062) Duplicate entry 'PS_LEGACY_IMAGES' for key 2 SET NAMES 'utf8' ALTER TABLE `arps19_image` MODIFY COLUMN `position` SMALLINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 INSERT IGNORE INTO `arps19_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_OS_CHEQUE', '1', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_OS_PAYMENT', '2', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_OS_PREPARATION', '3', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_OS_SHIPPING', '4', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_OS_DELIVERED', '5', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_OS_CANCELED', '6', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_OS_REFUND', '7', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_OS_ERROR', '8', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_OS_OUTOFSTOCK', '9', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_OS_BANKWIRE', '10', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_OS_PAYPAL', '11', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_OS_WS_PAYMENT', '12', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_IMAGE_QUALITY', 'jpg', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_PNG_QUALITY', '7', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_JPEG_QUALITY', '90', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_COOKIE_LIFETIME_FO', '480', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_COOKIE_LIFETIME_BO', '480', NOW(), NOW()) ALTER TABLE `arps19_lang` ADD `is_rtl` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' (1060) Duplicate column name 'is_rtl' UPDATE `arps19_country_lang` SET `name` = 'United States' WHERE `name` = 'USA' AND `id_lang` = ( SELECT `id_lang` FROM `arps19_lang` WHERE `iso_code` = 'en' LIMIT 1 ) UPDATE `arps19_hook` SET `live_edit` = 1 WHERE `name` = 'leftColumn' OR `name` = 'home' OR `name` = 'rightColumn' OR `name` = 'productfooter' OR `name` = 'payment' ALTER TABLE `arps19_stock_mvt_reason` MODIFY `sign` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `id_stock_mvt_reason` UPDATE `arps19_tab_lang` SET `name` = 'Geolocation' WHERE `name` = 'Geolocalization' UPDATE `arps19_tab_lang` SET `name` = 'Counties' WHERE `name` = 'County' ALTER TABLE `arps19_tax_rule` MODIFY `id_county` INT NOT NULL AFTER `id_country` UPDATE `arps19_address_format` set `format`='firstname lastname company address1 address2 city, State:name postcode Country:name phone' WHERE `id_country` = (SELECT `id_country` FROM `arps19_country` WHERE `iso_code`='US') ALTER TABLE `arps19_attachment` CHANGE `mime` `mime` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `arps19_compare_product` ( `id_compare_product` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_product` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_guest` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_customer` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `date_add` datetime NOT NULL, `date_upd` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_compare_product`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 DELETE FROM `arps19_configuration` WHERE name = 'PS_LAYERED_NAVIGATION_CHECKBOXES' LIMIT 1 /* PHP:alter_productcomments_guest_index(); */ SET NAMES 'utf8' SET NAMES 'utf8' INSERT IGNORE INTO `arps19_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_RESTRICT_DELIVERED_COUNTRIES', '0', NOW(), NOW()) UPDATE `arps19_country_lang` SET `name` = 'United States' WHERE `name` = 'United State' ALTER TABLE `arps19_discount` ADD `include_tax` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' (1060) Duplicate column name 'include_tax' UPDATE `arps19_order_detail` SET `product_price` = `product_price` /( 1-(`group_reduction`/100)) DELETE FROM `arps19_configuration` WHERE name IN ('PS_LAYERED_BITLY_USERNAME', 'PS_LAYERED_BITLY_API_KEY', 'PS_LAYERED_SHARE') LIMIT 3 ALTER TABLE `arps19_delivery` CHANGE `price` `price` DECIMAL(20, 6) NOT NULL ALTER TABLE `arps19_store` CHANGE `latitude` `latitude` DECIMAL(10, 8) NULL DEFAULT NULL ALTER TABLE `arps19_store` CHANGE `longitude` `longitude` DECIMAL(10, 8) NULL DEFAULT NULL INSERT INTO `arps19_hook` (`name`, `title`, `description`, `position`, `live_edit`) VALUES ('attributeGroupForm', 'Add fields to the form "attribute group"', 'Add fields to the form "attribute group"', 0, 0), ('afterSaveAttributeGroup', 'On saving attribute group', 'On saving attribute group', 0, 0), ('afterDeleteAttributeGroup', 'On deleting attribute group', 'On deleting "attribute group', 0, 0), ('featureForm', 'Add fields to the form "feature"', 'Add fields to the form "feature"', 0, 0), ('afterSaveFeature', 'On saving attribute feature', 'On saving attribute feature', 0, 0), ('afterDeleteFeature', 'On deleting attribute feature', 'On deleting attribute feature', 0, 0), ('afterSaveProduct', 'On saving products', 'On saving products', 0, 0), ('productListAssign', 'Assign product list to a category', 'Assign product list to a category', 0, 0), ('postProcessAttributeGroup', 'On post-process in admin attribute group', 'On post-process in admin attribute group', 0, 0), ('postProcessFeature', 'On post-process in admin feature', 'On post-process in admin feature', 0, 0), ('featureValueForm', 'Add fields to the form "feature value"', 'Add fields to the form "feature value"', 0, 0), ('postProcessFeatureValue', 'On post-process in admin feature value', 'On post-process in admin feature value', 0, 0), ('afterDeleteFeatureValue', 'On deleting attribute feature value', 'On deleting attribute feature value', 0, 0), ('afterSaveFeatureValue', 'On saving attribute feature value', 'On saving attribute feature value', 0, 0), ('attributeForm', 'Add fields to the form "feature value"', 'Add fields to the form "feature value"', 0, 0), ('postProcessAttribute', 'On post-process in admin feature value', 'On post-process in admin feature value', 0, 0), ('afterDeleteAttribute', 'On deleting attribute feature value', 'On deleting attribute feature value', 0, 0), ('afterSaveAttribute', 'On saving attribute feature value', 'On saving attribute feature value', 0, 0) (1062) Duplicate entry 'attributeGroupForm' for key 2 ALTER TABLE `arps19_employee` ADD `bo_show_screencast` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `bo_uimode` (1060) Duplicate column name 'bo_show_screencast' UPDATE `arps19_country` SET id_zone = (SELECT id_zone FROM `arps19_zone` WHERE name = 'Oceania' LIMIT 1) WHERE iso_code = 'KI' LIMIT 1 ALTER TABLE `arps19_lang` ADD `date_format_lite` char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y-m-d' AFTER language_code (1060) Duplicate column name 'date_format_lite' ALTER TABLE `arps19_lang` ADD `date_format_full` char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y-m-d H:i:s' AFTER date_format_lite (1060) Duplicate column name 'date_format_full' UPDATE `arps19_lang` SET `date_format_lite` = 'd/m/Y' WHERE `iso_code` IN ('fr', 'es', 'it') UPDATE `arps19_lang` SET `date_format_full` = 'd/m/Y H:i:s' WHERE `iso_code` IN ('fr', 'es', 'it') UPDATE `arps19_lang` SET `date_format_lite` = 'd.m.Y' WHERE `iso_code` = 'de' UPDATE `arps19_lang` SET `date_format_full` = 'd.m.Y H:i:s' WHERE `iso_code` = 'de' UPDATE `arps19_lang` SET `date_format_lite` = 'm/d/Y' WHERE `iso_code` = 'en' UPDATE `arps19_lang` SET `date_format_full` = 'm/d/Y H:i:s' WHERE `iso_code` = 'en' ALTER IGNORE TABLE `arps19_specific_price_priority` ADD UNIQUE ( `id_product` ) SET NAMES 'utf8' SET NAMES 'utf8' /* PHP:update_order_canada(); */ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `arps19_compare` ( `id_compare` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_customer` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_compare`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ALTER TABLE `arps19_compare_product` DROP `id_compare_product` , DROP `id_guest` , DROP `id_customer` (1091) Can't DROP 'id_compare_product'; check that column/key exists ALTER TABLE `arps19_compare_product` ADD `id_compare` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, ADD PRIMARY KEY( `id_compare`, `id_product`) (1060) Duplicate column name 'id_compare' ALTER TABLE `arps19_store` CHANGE `latitude` `latitude` DECIMAL(11, 8) NULL DEFAULT NULL ALTER TABLE `arps19_store` CHANGE `longitude` `longitude` DECIMAL(11, 8) NULL DEFAULT NULL ALTER TABLE `arps19_address_format` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_country`) (1068) Multiple primary key defined ALTER TABLE `arps19_address_format` DROP INDEX `country` (1091) Can't DROP 'country'; check that column/key exists /* PHP:hook_blocksearch_on_header(); */ SET NAMES 'utf8' SET NAMES 'utf8' INSERT IGNORE INTO `arps19_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_LIMIT_UPLOAD_IMAGE_VALUE', '2', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_LIMIT_UPLOAD_FILE_VALUE', '2', NOW(), NOW()) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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