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How to stop displaying certain manufacture name not to appear under Manufacture list in front page.

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Well not using a setting so to speak, but if you tweak your template this can easily be achieved


1/ Duplicate the /modules/blockmanufacturer/blockmanufacturer.tpl in themes/<your-theme>/modules/blockmanufacturer/blockmanufacturer.tpl. Create the directories.


2/ Edit your tpl as follow. You'll find some code like this one:

<ul class="bullet">
{foreach from=$manufacturers item=manufacturer name=manufacturer_list}
 {if $smarty.foreach.manufacturer_list.iteration <= $text_list_nb}
 <li class="{if $smarty.foreach.manufacturer_list.last}last_item{elseif $smarty.foreach.manufacturer_list.first}first_item{else}item{/if}"><a href="{$link->getmanufacturerLink($manufacturer.id_manufacturer, $manufacturer.link_rewrite)}" title="{l s='More about' mod='blockmanufacturer'} {$manufacturer.name}">{$manufacturer.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a></li>

Replace it so it match that:

<ul class="bullet">
{foreach from=$manufacturers item=manufacturer name=manufacturer_list}
{if !in_array($manufacturer.id_manufacturer,[ 1, 2 ])}
 {if $smarty.foreach.manufacturer_list.iteration <= $text_list_nb}
 <li class="{if $smarty.foreach.manufacturer_list.last}last_item{elseif $smarty.foreach.manufacturer_list.first}first_item{else}item{/if}"><a href="{$link->getmanufacturerLink($manufacturer.id_manufacturer, $manufacturer.link_rewrite)}" title="{l s='More about' mod='blockmanufacturer'} {$manufacturer.name}">{$manufacturer.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a></li>

Proceed the same for the foreach for the drop-down

{foreach from=$manufacturers item=manufacturer}
{if !in_array($manufacturer.id_manufacturer,[ 1, 2 ])}
 <option value="{$link->getmanufacturerLink($manufacturer.id_manufacturer, $manufacturer.link_rewrite)}">{$manufacturer.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</option>


3/ Clear your smarty cache (delete all files in /tools/smarty/compile/ but the index.php)




PS: This does not prevent the manufacturer from the list of manufacturer (page: manufacturer.php)




PS2: 1, 2 is the list of manufacturer id within you Prestashop

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