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Finding products in specific category


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Hi all,


I am making some modifications in the way that customers explore products in my shop. Is there a function that works similar to the getProducts() function but gets products from a defined category using a category ID (rather than the current category) ?


I would like to use the output of the function on the category.php page.


Thanks for any help you can offer.


Paul T

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This is the function's head:

getProducts($id_lang, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderWay, $id_category = false, $only_active = false)


id_lang - this is stored is a cookie

start - the index of the element in the result list

limit - number of elements

orderBy - criteria to be ordered by

orderWay - can be 'ASC' for ascending or 'DESC' for descending

id_category - this is where you set the category id

only_active - by default is false, so it will return all products


To use the function:

$product_list = Product::getProducts($cookie->id_lang, 0,0, 'id_product', 'ASC', [PUT_HERE_CATEGORY_ID], true);

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, i have to customize the category products which shows on the page after clicking on a category.can you tell me which function i have to customize for this purpose.??

i have searched on google and found that Category::getProducts() is used to get category products. i am making changes in this function but changes are not taking place.

Can you guide me how i can customize category products.???

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