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Product Images & Categories

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Does anyone know how to increase the number of product images per product? I am allowed only three, but I have products in 4 and more colours (attributes) and I need to display all of them.


Also, I noticed that in my attributes section for the size - all of the sizes are displayed even though certain products of different colours do not come in those sizes displayed, so the next message comes up:


"Availability: The product does not exist in this model. Please choose another."


Is there any way to keep both attributes (size & colour), but make sure that when a customer picks a certain colour, he/she will only get the sizes available in those colours in a drop-down menu for size?

Just a note - I am using a template from Template Monster, not sure though if this is relevant.


Hope this is comprehensible! :)


Thank you in advance for any helpful info!



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I fixed that issue of not allowing the customer to select unavailable sizes or colors by purchasing this module and not only you can give order to the attributes but also gray them out so the customer cannot select them.


There shouldn't be a limited number of images, I am not sure about that one!





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