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Add to cart link on featured products has a red line through it, Why?

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my products have a red line through the "cart" link on the home page.

Locate the file /themes/yourtheme/product.tpl and within it you will see the following:




That is the reason there is a strike over cart. For what reason theme designer may want to do that, I've no idea. The best bet would be to contact the designer of the theme.


FWIIW, and unrelated to the question you asked, I found adding an item to the cart extremely difficult despite being pretty familiar with PrestaShop (I was experimenting to see if the strike would disappear when an item was added to cart). Try this. Find someone who has never visited you web site before. First describe the task, tell him/her you will give them a website address and an item name, e.g. Uncle Sam poster, and you want them to add that item to the cart, then leave him/her alone with the computer while watching from a few feet distance, but w/o interfering (and that is important) while s/he is doing it. But then again maybe I'm a bit slow, hence the difficulty.

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Thanks for the reply. Since posting I have looked into this more and I believe the reason the red line is there is because each product has some attributes (questions that I ask to customize the product) that must be filled in by the purchaser. Because of this I believe that this is why they can't send the product directly to the cart from the product page. They must visit the actual product and order that way.


Also I am grateful that you tried to put a product in the cart, had difficulty and informed me of your difficulty. Again I believe it is because of the need to answer the product customization questions. Because of your thoroughness I am looking at improving that part of the order process including changing the error message one see's when ordering.


Appreciate your help. Hope you have a great holiday.

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