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help with remove stuff and changing text!

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First problem: I want to remove postcode/zipcode (not undo requirement), but completely remove it from the registration form. And "Assign an address title for future reference" , I don't need this also.

I tried to look at old post, but this is new version of pretashop so i can't follow old tutorial!


Second : I want to skip the address and shipping process, when customer click check-out. It would go straight to payment.


Third: I try to change this code, just the text on COD but how come it's never work on my website


This is the original:



<img src="{$this_path}cashondelivery.jpg" alt="{l s='Cash on delivery (COD) payment' mod='cashondelivery'}" style="float:left; margin: 0px 10px 5px 0px;" />

{l s='You have chosen the cash on delivery method.' mod='cashondelivery'}

<br/><br />

{l s='The total amount of your order is' mod='cashondelivery'}

<span id="amount_{$currencies.0.id_currency}" class="price">{convertPrice price=$total}</span>

{if $use_taxes == 1}

{l s='(tax incl.)' mod='cashondelivery'}




This is what I am trying to change to :


<img src="{$this_path}cashondelivery.jpg" alt="{l s='Cash on delivery (COD) payment' mod='cashondelivery'}" style="float:left; margin: 0px 10px 5px 0px;" />

{l s='Bạn đã chọn thanh toán tại Việt Nam' mod='cashondelivery'}

<br/><br />

{l s='Tổng số tiền của các món hàng là' mod='cashondelivery'}

<span id="amount_{$currencies.0.id_currency}" class="price">{convertPrice price=$total}</span>

{if $use_taxes == 1}

{l s=' ' mod='cashondelivery'}




I mean it's just simply a line of text right? I reopen the file and it showed that I have done the changing but the website never display what I wanted, instead it just displays the old text!


Pls help me! Thanks

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