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User Registration Help

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Can you guyz show me how to edit the user registration pls:

since my website will be use for other country, (vietNam) , having like

name, address, city would be difficult for customer to understand!

I want to change the label for example :


Name => Ten

Address => Dia Chi


how do i do that?

And one more thing, how do I set requirement for the whole form, in Viet Nam people don't use zip code, and they don't really like to putting in their address unless they buy stuffs. I want to make name and phone is the only requirements when customer register at my website, the others information will be optional.


Any helps would be greatly appreciate!

Btw I am very noob with pHp. :((


I do have dreamweaver installed, and other software to edit the code but im not sure how!

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Insert the vietnamian language in your shop http://www.prestashop.com/download/lang_packs/gzip/


For the portion that are missing, go to Tools > Translation

Select Front Office , click the flag, (wait) then populate all the fields with appropriate language translation then save

Do the same for modules

Do the same for mails

Do the same for PDF



If you make some addition, it will be really appreciated by the community you then export the language and share-it here.




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