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Image Size Problem

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Can someone please help me. I have posted before, on the fact that when I upload an image manually through the back office or import it using the import feature, the sizes of my images are dramatically increased. I have asked if someone could please see if it happens to them as well, but no one has every responded. Can someone please check for me?

It is very easy to check, just go to your back office -> categories and then click on a product. On the 1. Section: Info, you can clearly see the image size underneath the image on the right hand side. For example, it may say: 24 ko.

Nothing I do every fixes this problem. If I make an image size smaller, larger, or exactly the same as specified in the thickbox setting in Back Office -> Preferences -> Images, the problem remains. And yes, this still happens even after I use the regenerate feature.

In my store, I am uploading product images around 20 KB and on my product pages, the thickbox image is usually around 100 KB. This is absurd, my product pages take forever to load! I can't figure it out. The picture quality isn't any better, it's the same.

And yes, I have saved these pictures in photoshop, using the save for web feature, and saving my images as either .jpgs or .gifs. The problem still persists with all formats!

Does no one have this problem? I would appreciate any suggestions to fix this, and would appreciate anyone checking on this in their own store.

More info: I am using the lastest version of prestashop. This problem even occured on my first store built with Prestashop version 1, with a different hosting company.

Thank you,
from a very frustrated e-commercer

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