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Weight and Price in a specific zone

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Hi All.


I have a question.


I have lets say 4 zones. zone1, zone2, zone3, zone4.


In zone1 i want free shipping starts over £60 and disable carrier when the weight is over 20kg


In zone2 i want free shipping starts over £80 and disable carrier when the weight is over 16kg


In zone2 i want free shipping starts over £100 and disable carrier when the weight is over 25kg etc...


Also is it possible for the system, when the weight value is over 20kg (zone1), not to disable the carrier but to "say" in someway "Over 20kg please contact us"?. If is not possible, disable the carrier is ok with me.



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The free shipping is not able to cover your need - there is not per carrier/zone free shipping trigger.


Regarding the other part of the question, that is pretty simple with of-the-shelf Prestashop.


You create/clone a carrier dédicated to the zones.

You create the weight range that does not exceed you maximum carrier handling weight

You set the setting to disable the carrier while range exceed.


For the last part, when no carrier matches, I will simply change the translation of the message that says No carrier available for this address by -> Please contact us to identify a suitable carrier +phone number




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Hi doekia.


Thanks for your reply.

I'm trying to understand what you mean.


So zone1 weight limit is up to 20kg. I'm creating or clone a new carrier for all the zones that weight limit is up to 20kg.

The new carrier has weight range from 0 - 20 (if i understand correct) but what price i should enter in Shipping>Fees by carrier, geographical zone, and ranges?


After i set the setting to disable the carrier while range exceed.

Can you please guide me with steps?


And last how i change the default "No carrier is available for this selection".?


And this change apply only for the specific carrier or to all the carriers i have?


Also i found this addon: http://addons.presta...e-shipping.html


Is this gonna solve my problem with free shipping per carrier?


Thanks doekia

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Let's try to rephrase:


Carrier1: only capable zone: Zone1 - Out-of-range behavior: disable carrier

Weight Ranges for carrier1 : 0-0.5kg + 0.5-1 + ... last range-20kg


Carrier1(clone): only capable zone: Zone2 - Out-of-range behavior: disable carrier

Weight Ranges for carrier1 : 0-0.5kg + 0.5-1 + ... last range-30kg


When the address fits into zone1, customer will see Carrier1, when it fits zone2 they see the clone. Displayed name can be exactly the same so they have no clue it is a different carrier internaly for Prestashop.


When no carrier are available it means you have exhauted all your carrier/zoning/weight limit hence we change the default message


Regarding the module you found in the addon, I can't say I do not have the knowlege off all and every modules within the addon - specially non-free ones


Hope it helps and it is clear now




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