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Home Text Editor Module not working properly

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Had a strange list of events occur re: the Home Text Editor Module (HTE).


Needed to update the jpg and text, so I went to modules, chose HTE and made my changes.

I then viewed my site and saw the picture changed, but not the text.


Tried again and still it did not take. Added the old picture back in HTE, but now the site would not accept that change. So I had old text with the new picture and could not change anything.


Went to Modules and uninstalled HTE, the software reported it uninstalled, and took me to the uninstall module list, but it was not listed. Went back to the installed list and found it still installed and enabled.


Viewed site, and now the text and jpg was gone.


Tried to reset the HTE. No change. tried to unistall HTE again, and got an error saying module could not be uninstalled and took me to the uninstall module list where it was not listed.


Downloaded Prestashop to a folder, and zipped the HTE module in the folder. Went back to Prestashop and deleted HTE, then uploaded the zipped HTE. I then installed it and saw the orignal HTE with the swedish or whatever text it had and the ipod jpg. Changed the text, jpg and website to my new text jpg and correct address for my site. I enabled the HTE. Viewed site. Nothing.


Went to preferences and turned off cache in both places. Viewed site, nothing.


If there is anyone out there who may have a clue how to get this working again, I would be most appreciative.





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