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[solverd] problem with authentication.tpl and HTTPS

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Yesterday I truncated the dates of my costumers in the db. Now is impossible to register new users in my website, always there is a message that it doesn't find the authentication file. It doesn't happen if I don't active the SSL in Prestashop BO.


Somebody can help me? I am desperate... nobody can register. I know, next time I will do a buckup, it's my fault... I know... I know....


I am using Prestashop I give you the link: http://www.silvercrab.it and a file with the screen shoot.


Thank you very much to everybody


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Are you sure it is related to the database change? BTW I do not quite understand the change you did? Could you present the SQL statement?


Change the config/config.inc.php, and replace:

@ini_set('display_errors', 'off');
define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', false);


@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', true);

Errors will be displayed to might explain the problem.




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Well in fact this is not a tunable param. My bad confusing you there. I have PM you with my contact info if you wish to go further. And ...

what is it about your SQL action that triggered the problem at first

I can't help you if you are not willing

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For the records, problem was apparently related to the certicate presented by the web server. Was not pointing to the right domain. If anyone experience similar issue, double check that your certificate point to the proper www.<fqdn>




PS: Could you change the title adding HTTPS ... the forum does not allow searching for 3 characters long string such as SSL

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