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Too Many category and products?

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I am building a shop for spare parts containing 45000 products and more than 10000 categories, due to the fact that there are 1000 different car and for aech at least 10 groups (category) of products, though the same for each car.


when I upload the products the system does not give any idea of how many products is uploading and if gets stock it doesen't give a log for errors.


I tried with Store Manager block but the solution is slow, jow can this proble can be solved?



Is there any filter module that can be used for selecting make/model/product group, without opening each level?


Thanx for ideas



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Hello I undertsand perfectly, and it would fit greatly, would the filter work in sequence, eg make/model/product ie if make is not selected than the following filter model is blank, once make model is selected than the category product show (like brakes, shockabsorber, bumpers)....


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The module does not come with that option, but it does have the option to have the filter show products that match all of the selections, or at least one from each group, or any selection from any group. (when offering multiple selection like a checkbox or slider)

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