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[Solved] Stock quantities not displaying.

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For some reason my stock quantity is not displayed on my product pages. I am using the latest version and the new theme. I have checked "show stock quantities" in BO. Maybe something is wrong with the code in the products.tpl. I don't know code, so I don't know what to look for. Thank you for any suggestions!


Copied from Firebug:

<p id="pQuantityAvailable">



<span id="quantityAvailable">2</span>


<span id="quantityAvailableTxt" style="display: none;">item in stock</span>


<span id="quantityAvailableTxtMultiple">items in stock</span>



From product.tpl:

<!-- number of item in stock -->

{if ($display_qties == 1 && !$PS_CATALOG_MODE && $product->available_for_order)}

<p id="pQuantityAvailable"{if $product->quantity <= 0} style="display: none;"{/if}>

<span id="quantityAvailable">{$product->quantity|intval}</span>

<span {if $product->quantity > 1} style="display: none;"{/if} id="quantityAvailableTxt">{l s='item in stock'}</span>

<span {if $product->quantity == 1} style="display: none;"{/if} id="quantityAvailableTxtMultiple">{l s='items in stock'}</span>





Thank you! I now have stock quantities displayed. Not knowing code, I never would have been able to find it on my own.

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Hi dixie,


If you want to display the stock quantity, you can edit product.css in the theme folder and change :


/* pQuantityAvailable */
#pQuantityAvailable {display:none !important;}




/* pQuantityAvailable */
#pQuantityAvailable {}


Refresh and it should be good :).

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